joining office.

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Yoongi got up in the evening.. he had slept the whole day.. he then went to washroom.. suddenly he heard his mom calling..

"I'm in the bathroom" yoongi yelled from the inside

"Okay.. eat the food I'm keeping here after coming out" she said

"Okay" yoongi said and then he came out after freshening up.. he saw a message from his best friend Daniel saying that the race will be at 01. 00 AM
and he needs to be there.. he replied with ok and ate the food his mother kept there..

As he finished eating he saw his mom was standing there..
"What happened mom?" He asked

"I need to talk to you" she said

"Okay..come and sit then we will talk" he said..the only person who gets nornal behaviour from suga is his mom..
She came inside and sit next to him..
Suga laid down and rested his head on her lap while she was caressing his hair ..

"Son.. you have to take your life seriously now" she started

"I am serious about my life mom" he said eyes closed as her she was massaging his head.. it's the only way to calm him..

"No you're not.. this is not how someone behaves when they take their life seriously.. look at you.. what are you doing in your life?"

"Doing what i enjoy mom" he answered

"But son your dad and i are getting old.. you are the only one who has to take care of our business after your dad"

"I don't like that idea mom"

"Listen yoon"

"Okay.. suga.. listen son.. you are not 18 anymore.. you have grown up now. You have to take the responsibility. Just join the office and learn about business "

"But i like bike racing "

"You can continue it as well.. but join the office too. For me"


"Please.. you're my best son.. listen to your mom please "

Suga let out a sigh of defeat and said
"Okay fine.. I'll go to office but you have ask dad to return my card and none of you will stop me from bike racing "

"Deal" she said smiling.. he also smiled looking at his mom..

"Okay mom .. now pray for me because i have to win a race tonight " he said sitting up ...

She kept her hand on his head and said
"My prayers are always with you son. May you win in everything you do" he smiled hearing this..

Then she left he also got ready to meet his friends and went to the racing area.
The weared his black jeans with a white t-shirt and black leather jacket.. and left with his bike ..



Suga reached and saw his friends were talking.. he went closer to them and said
"What your guys are talking about?"

"JACK" shina said amd suga joined his eyebrows in confusion

"Who's jack?" He asked

"He is the best bike racer in one can defeated him. He's now in Seoul" Daniel said

"Best? Huh!" Suga scoffed
"Then bring him here.. let's have a race with me. I'll show him who's the best" suga said

"I don't think it should ever happen.. what if he's truly the best" Daniel said

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