⟡ 17) Start of the Three-Way War ⟡

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Y/n POV:
'Am I just a hindrance? Am I holding them back? Am I that weak that I need to be protected?'

'I don't want to be weak. I want to be able to stand on my own. I don't want to worry the people I love because of my weakness. I need to be strong. For them, and for myself.'

I open my eyes, waking up from my dreamless nap. My body felt a lot better, since I could actually move around a bit. I try to sit up, with a little pain in my lower back but nothing too serious.

"Are you the rumored twin sister?" a voice calls out to me.

I turned to my left to see that the red-haired lady had woken up.

"Yes, that's me," I answered.

"I'm amazed that you were able to escape from the Port Mafia. Not many people are capable of doing that. I guess you really are Dazai's sister," she says.

"I don't think I deserve your praise. Honestly, I have no idea how I managed to escape. It almost seems too good to be true," I say.

"Well, you still escaped nonetheless. That's got to count for something," she says.

"I guess," I say, getting up from the bed.

"Going somewhere?" she asked me.

"I'm gonna go find my brothers. Oh. I have an adopted younger brother as well," I explain.

"Dazai left a bit ago. I assume it was important since the doctor also left," she says, making me realize that Yosano had indeed left as well.

"Well, I better get going then. It was a pleasure talking to you, uh..." I say, hoping she'll tell me her name.

"Kouyou," she responds.

"Kouyou. Well, my name's Y/n, in case you didn't know. Until next time, Kouyou-san," I say before leaving the infirmary.

I pulled out my phone and called Osamu.

Osamu: "Y/n!! You're awake!"

Me: "Yes. More importantly, where is everyone?"

Osamu: "Oh. We're having a little meeting. Don't worry, Haru is here with us so he's safe. Once the meeting is over, I'll come back and explain everything to you, 'kay?"

Me: "Okay. I'll be waiting."

Osamu: "Kay, bye bye!"

Me: "Bye."

With that, I hung up, feeling a little dejected that I didn't get to be a part of the meeting since I was sleeping.

'Maybe they really don't need someone like me.'


3rd-Person POV:
"Listen up. The Port Mafia seeks to eradicate the Agency. The Guild seeks to usurp the Agency. We must protect the Agency from these two foes. Dazai, explain," Fukuzawa starts, indicating for Dazai to continue.

"Yes, sir. The Guild has substantial financial assets, and the Port Mafia has the numbers advantage. So, we will split into offensive and defensive teams and engage in guerrilla tactics. The main goal for the defense is to protect Yosano-sensei here. With her healing ability, we can be cured of any injury as long as we don't outright die. The offense will split into two teams, and surprise the enemy using Tanizaki-kun's subterfuge ability and my nullification ability. The crux of this strategy is to keep our base of operations hidden. If our enemies were to hit us here with everything they have, our defense would not hold," Dazai explains.

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