⟡ 5) Twists and Turns ⟡

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Chuuya POV:
Me: "Boss, I found her."

Boss: "Good. Be on standby for further instructions."

Me: "Got it."


Y/n POV:
I arrived at the Detective Agency's front door, taking a deep breath before turning the knob and opening the door. The first to notice me was Atsushi as he made his way over to greet me.

"Welcome back, Y/n-san. How was your walk?" he asked me.

"It was pretty calming. There was a nice breeze coupled with a cool atmosphere," I said, leaving out the awkward interaction between me and the short redhead I ran into.

"Well, that's good. If you'd like, you can wait at one of the tables so I can call everyone back," Atsushi says.

"Sounds good," I say as I make my way over to the same table I was sitting at earlier.

After a short while, I felt the same petrifying gaze on me that I felt earlier. I slowly turned my head towards each window to see if someone was in fact looking at me but I didn't see anyone. My hands had begun to shake so I bottled up my hands into a fist to lessen the shakiness. I tried to calm my breathing but my gut knew that I was being watched, making my attempts almost useless. The worst part was not knowing where the person was nor who it was. There was a high chance it could've been the redhead from before but I didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet.

Suddenly, I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder, tracing the hand back to see it belonged to Dazai.

"It'll be okay. I'm here for you. Let's just focus on slowing down your breathing first, okay? Can you do that?" Dazai says to me.

"Y-Yeah. I can do that," I stumble to say while trying once again to calm my breathing, Dazai's hand remaining on my shoulder.

That small bit of contact wouldn't normally mean anything. It wouldn't do anything for some people and for others it might've made it worse. But for me, that small bit of contact was enough for me to calm myself down, not completely but enough to where my breathing was relatively normal.

"Thank you, Dazai," I told him.

"Of course. Also, when you're comfortable with it, you can call me Osamu. Since we're both Dazai, technically," he says with a comforting smile.

"I'll try but it may take me a while," I explained, scratching the back of my neck from my nervousness.

"That's understandable. I'll be patiently waiting for that day to come," Dazai says.

After our conversation had ended, Atsushi had returned with Ranpo.

"We can resume the investigation now," Atsushi says as he and Ranpo take a seat on the other side of the booth, with Dazai scooting next to me.

"Building off of what we previously discussed, I discovered that your adopted parents had another reason for adopting you, other than the fact that you're Gifted" Ranpo explains.

'Lovely, there's more.'

"W-What's the other reason?" I ask, not sure if I'm ready to hear what it is.

"They wanted to use you to murder someone. The same person that they're currently working under," He says. My eyes widened from the shock of hearing this. "That was their original plan anyways, but their boss found out about their plot and instead of killing them, their boss offered them a deal. The deal was to trade you in exchange for their lives to be spared. Your parents were going to complete the exchange during your visit but your brother probably discovered their plans so they got rid of him before he could warn you. Unfortunately for them, removing your brother from the equation only made things worse on their end. Also, I presume that the person they're currently working for is not the same person as before, rather that person's child," Ranpo finishes.

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