⟡ 14) A Path Has Opened ⟡

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Y/n POV:
"You want me to WHAT?!" I shout, wondering if I heard correctly.

"I want you to wear a maid dress along with Kyouka-chan," Yosano says with a blank face.

"And why would I agree to that?!" I say, wondering how she could just ask that of me like it's no big deal.

"Because I want us to be twins," Kyouka says as she walks into the office in her outfit. "Pleaseeee," Kyouka pleads, putting on her puppy dog eyes.

'No. Don't do that. I won't give in. I won't. I refuse.'

Kyouka continued staring at me in hopes of getting me to agree.

Unfortunately, it worked.

Yosano brought me into a separate room to get dressed in, only her and Naomi being allowed in the room. Kyouka stayed outside, entertaining everyone. Well, everyone except Kunikida, who was busy with his work.

'I'm surprised he agreed to this. Well, then again, he probably just gave up.'

I could hear everyone fawning over her, which is fair since she looked very adorable. When I was done getting dressed, I heard Atsushi's voice, meaning that he had finally returned and was feeling better.

"And off you go!" Yosano shouted as she pushed me out of the room and into the main office.

At the same time, Ranpo had burst through the main entrance with a mountain of snacks, more than the amount of snacks he bought last time. As soon as he laid his eyes on me, my face began to heat up as all of his snacks fell out of his arms.

"H-Here, let me help you," I say, walking over to Ranpo to help pick up the snacks he dropped. "If you were going to get snacks, you should've taken me with you to help you carry it all. I wouldn't have minded."

Ranpo didn't respond, which I found strange. As we were both crouching down, I looked up and saw him looking straight down.

"Ranpo? Is everything alright?" I ask, lowering my head to try and see his face, but he turned his head away from me.

"I'm fine," he quietly replied.

He walked over to Yosano after putting down his snacks and whispered something to her. The two of them then went into the next room.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask no one in particular.

"Not that I'm aware of," Tanizaki says.

"No, you didn't. Ranpo is just in a weird and confused state right now. Don't worry too much," Naomi says, placing a hand on my shoulder for reassurance.

"Well, if you say so," I say, bringing the snacks in my hand over to the table that Ranpo had placed the other snacks on before he left.

If I'm gonna be honest, I don't exactly believe them. A part of me wants to, but I can't bring myself to do it. I mean, he wouldn't even look at me. I must've offended him somehow.

I decided to arrange the snacks to pass the time, since they were all just piled together. In the middle of my organizing, I noticed a familiar snack; the very same snack that Ranpo had bought me the first time I went to get snacks with him.

'Did he get this for me? Wait. Did he remember?'

"I got that for you," I hear a voice say behind me, causing me to turn to reveal that the voice belonged to Ranpo.

"You... remembered?" I asked.

"Yes, I did... I mean, I am the greatest detective in the world, remember?" Ranpo replied, seeming slightly nervous and with his head slightly lowered.

A Series of Mysteries ~ Ranpo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now