the little lyon fam

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2 years later

Alex pov

Well our family is very put together hakeem dose the girls hair in the morning. He buys them a new pair of shoes every week. And i think i did the right decision to stay with hakeem.

Hakeem pov

Well everything has been going great alex thought me how to do the girls hair.Alex also looks sexyer then ever.And i buy my baby's a new pair of shoes every week. And me and alex are better then ever.

Hakeem came home around 6:00. He came in and gave alex a kiss. And asked,"where are the kids?"Then alex replied,"They are in the living room watching the NBA finals."then hakeem asked,"why?"Then alex said,"It is the only thing that is keeping them occupied."Then hakeem walked into the living room and sat down with the kids. Princesses was already asleep. So hakeem took her up stairs and put her in her room.when he came down alexxis was sleepy to so he took her to her room.Then when he got back down alex had pulled out a bottle of whiskey. And alex is hakeems biggest weakness and they took shots and alex was a little tipsy.And she was making out with hakeem on the couch. Then they were stoped buy a phone call from cookie. Alex answered the phone. And cookie said,"guess what baby girl?"then alex said,"What."Then cookie said," You and hakeem are going to do a duet."Then in a slight moan alex said,"yah! I will tell him."Then cookie added ,"yall also have a show tomorrow. I will watch the kids."Then alex said,"ok bye." And she hung up. Before hakeem could ask alex said,"we have to go to the studio tomorrow. And we have a show." So to celebrate they ran upstairs and into the bed room. And hakeem rode inside of alex all night.

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