the secret unraveled

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When they got to the studio cookie was not there for them to start the duet. So they sat down and started making out. And hakeem started sucking on alex's neck. Then alex started moaning really loud. And then they started having sex. Then tiana walks in. But it was not only tiana it was also duh duh duh... It was also cookie and lusious.And when cookie saw she said,"HAKEEM JACOB LYON AND ALEX PRINCESS ROBINSON YALL GET YALLS CLOTHES ON RIGHT NOW!"And hakeem got up and said,"FUCK."And alex got up put on the shirt hakeem gave her and left.The room and she saw tiana walk out she went up to her and said,"YOU STUPID BITCH YOU KNEW THAT I WAS IN THERE WITH HAKEEM, YOU RUINED OUR RELATIONSHIP."Then hakeem came out and took alex by the hand and said,"babe it is ok they will be fine they always freak out like this, but i think we have to tell them about our relationship."So they went back into the studio to talk to them. When they first went in cookie sraired at them like they had murdered somebody. So to brake the ice hakeem said,"we are sorry we did not tell you about us.we did not really happen untill last night."Then cookie said,"alex what do you have to say for your self."Then alex said,"i could not help myself i mean come on he is super is my fault."Then tiana came in and said,"Did the thot tell yall how she stole my man."This all has to stop."said lusious."Tiana you are a hoe so shut up.i think alex and hakeem will make an amazing couple."

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