month eight

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          Now that I was coming up to the final stretch, it was increasingly more difficult for me to get around. While the boys were getting closer to the playoffs, I could see Bo's stress increasing with all the pressure he had surrounding him right now.

Even though I couldn't be at the game, the girls and I decided to have a watch party together at Bo and I's condo so that I could still be apart of everything, planning to have snacks in our sweats and cheer on the boys while the kids were at their babysitters.

I was sitting on the couch in a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top, taking a break and getting everything set up on the tv as I was exhausted from cleaning.

I had been feeling off all day and had noticed a lot more pain than usual. It started early this morning and woke me out of my sleep, a dull cramping that was uncomfortable but manageable. I convinced Bo I was fine before he left for practice but the pain slowly got stronger as the day went on. When I talked to Mariana about it on the phone she told me it was probably just Braxton Hicks and that I had nothing to worry about.

I had never been pregnant before so I believed her and went about my day, trying to navigate the dull cramping pain that shot through my entire core.

The evening had already come by the time I set snacks on the table, a knock on the door sounding as I finished setting up the living room for everyone.

I opened it as all of the wives and girlfriends slowly piled in, finding their spots in the living room as we all waited for the game to start.

It was difficult for me to focus on the conversations as the pain was worsening but I tried to remain as neutral as possible. There was no way I was ruining this night. It wasn't about me, it was about our boys and how hard they had worked all season to get to where they are now. I opted for a soft grip on the arm of the couch, breathing through my nose and offering the occasional smile when I felt someone's gaze on me.

The first inning began as the Blue Jays got the advantage of pitching first on their home field, Kevin making his way up to the mound. We all cheered from the living room as I felt the game working as a distractor for the pain. Eventually, she began to settle down as we got farther into the inning and I felt myself finally relax, having a break from the electric pain.

The game itself was grappling, every time the Jays gained a lead, the Red Sox seemed to tie it up, the boys looking visibly frustrated in the dugout on the screen.

"God I can't take this, we need this win so bad" Taylor said.

"The boys know what they're doing, something's gotta give" Charlise said, eyes glued to the screen as she spoke.

As the game continued and our stress levels rose, I felt the pains come back, but worse. I tried to sit in silence and enjoy the game with everyone else, but something just felt wrong, I was fighting to hold back groans every time the piercing pain returned. I decided to walk away from the living room so I could breathe through the pain without bringing attention to myself. I walked into the kitchen where I could still see the tv and placed my elbows on the island, bending over and swaying my hips, breathing through the cramps that jolted through my body.

I heard the announcers say we were going into extra innings so I took my time in the kitchen, knowing this was going to be a long night for the boys.

Something wasn't right, this didn't feel normal and while I wasn't ready to panic yet, I decided it would be best if I talked with Bo's mom one more time. I pulled my phone out of my sweatpants pocket and called Mariana again.

"Hey love, how are you feeling? Are you watching the game?" she asked sweetly.

"Hi Mar, yea the wives and I are having a watch party. But I was just calling because i'm still in a lot of pain, it dulled when the game started but it's getting worse now" I said, feeling another wave of pain start to hit.

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