Chapter 1: Beyond the Hidden Colors

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At midnight in the 1960's... An elderly African-American man named Dorian Addison is a retired adventurer who lives in a big house with his wife Elise, their four children are living in their places and even two of them are in college. Dorian is working as a librarian, while his wife works at home as a full-time artist. There has been a hidden secret in Elise's past, Elise was a jewel thief.

Dorian met Elise for the first time around Egypt before they fell in love and got married, Elise quit being a jewel thief to focus on her marriage with Dorian and starting a family with him. They remained a wonderful couple, living their best life together with their children.

But in the trouble around midnight, there was a strange, unknown figure coming to the window. The suspect goes to the sliding door to sneak inside the house, the suspect holds a gun in their hand. The suspect slowly walks to the hallway, walks upstairs to tiptoe without making a creaking sound of the stairs, and then makes it up to the main bedroom door. The suspect opens the door and sees Dorian and Elise sleeping in their bed together, and the suspect enters the bedroom. The suspect raises the gun and starts to shoot Dorian first, scaring Elise. An awakened Elise heard a bullet pop and saw her husband dead, she shouted "NO!".

As Elise takes one last scared look at the suspect, the suspect shoots her down. With the elderly couple shot, the suspect takes the jewelry that was in the display room, and then the suspect leaves the house without a trail.

The next morning, the neighbors who already heard the gunshots at midnight had the police arrive at Elise and Dorian's home. The police officers found the bodies in the main bedroom and covered them, while the investigators examined the other rooms to look for evidence.

Nobody knows who killed Dorian and Elise, but some of the people knew what the suspect looked like. They called the unknown suspect "The White Masquerade Mask Killer". They have to be aware that the mysterious killer is still out there in the neighborhood.

Dorian and Elise's children find out that their parents were killed by the masked killer; they are devastated by the news of their parents' murder. They wondered who the suspect was, wanting to know why, or how the murder happened.

As the years passed, the suspect was never arrested nor found. But the suspect is still living in the world, hiding their identity and keeping secrets. In the present years, the mystery remains to the world.

An 18-year-old African-American young man named Daniel McCalister lives in the Outer Banks of NC with his divorced mother Alana, his older sister Leilani, and his younger brother Jeffrey. Daniel has an estranged relationship with his father Ashten who cheated on his mother which caused danger in his family, his mother Alana found out and then divorced Ashten for putting the family in danger and cheating on her with a gangster's girlfriend. Alana shot the gangster dead, but the girlfriend had no idea that Ashten was married to Alana and apologized to her, so she and Alana wanted nothing to do with Ashten together.

Daniel is watching the ocean waves outside of the window in his bedroom, feeling the outside wind with the window open. Daniel is all dressed up, fixing his dreads, and getting freshened up for almost the end of his school year - his senior year of high school. It is springtime in March, so he's prepared for the spring break from school. Daniel writes in his journal about the upcoming spring break coming the next day.

It's been a wonderful morning in the Outer Banks, North Carolina. I just can't believe that spring is finally here in March and spring break is coming. I can't wait to graduate soon this summer, although I'm still thinking about what university I am going to after my high school years. My relationship with my father is still estranged and broken, because of the way he put my family in danger. Some people say that there's a mystery around NC, they say after the murder of the elderly couple in the past, the White Masquerade masked killer is still at large. Could be hiding somewhere, I don't know if the suspect's still alive or not. But I hope there will be justice sooner or later.

I'm just excited about the spring break, my best friend Cory is excited about it, too, and I know he's ready to get in the water again. The beach is so beautiful out there, I'm so blessed to live in the Outer Banks with my family. Having fun at the beach is always great enjoy the ocean and hanging out at the beach.

My father's still living in Chapel Hills after my mother, my brother, my sister, and I left him after the divorce a few years ago. My mother is working as a veterinarian and my big sister works at the flower shop. I volunteered in the library, focusing on working as a librarian. I even think about writing a book soon. I'm living my best life with my family and my friends. Although, I hope my mean classmate Jerry doesn't bother me again today. The mystery of the Mask Killer is still open to this day, the case never closed.

As Daniel finishes writing his journal, his sister Leilani knocks on the door and then opens the door. "Hey Danny, mom says breakfast is ready," said Leilani. "OK, be right there," said Daniel.

After journaling, Daniel went downstairs to head to the kitchen to sit at the table. His mother cooked some blackberry waffles, turkey bacon, and scrambled eggs garnished with parsley and oregano herbs for him and others.

"Good morning, baby," said Alana. "Morning, Mom," said Daniel. "Are you ready for spring break coming tomorrow? I know your little brother's ready for it, too," asked Alana. "Yes, I am," said Daniel. "I can tell, the weather is getting warmer in the springtime," said Alana. "I know, I opened the window and I felt the warm wind blowing into my bedroom," said Daniel, before he ate his breakfast.

"Hey Mommy, how do I look?" said Jeffrey, who ran from his bedroom to go meet Alana. "You look great, honey. Oh, let me fix your afro right quick, there's a little lint," said Alana as she took a lint off of Jeffrey's afro. "Thanks, Mom," said Jeffrey. "Morning, Jeff," said Daniel, saying good morning to his little brother. "Morning," said Jeffrey before he sat at the table to eat breakfast. 

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