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Maeve sits between Aidan and Michelle at the dining room table, opposite them is Deidre Mallon and James as they all eat the pasta that herself and Aidan had cooked for them all.

"This is lovely, Maeve," Deirdre smiles at the blonde who sends her a grin in return,

"Thank you, it's my wee sisters' favourite," she takes a sip of her water before carrying on, "I was quite proud of myself for finding the recipe because I have never met a pickier pair of wains in my life."

"I helped." Aidan puts his hand up and his Ma sends him a doubtful glance,

"Aye, okay, Aidan."

He sends her an offended look but sighs in defeat when she raises a challenging eyebrow.

Deirdre Mallon was an intimidating lady and Maeve was so glad when she actually warmed to her. The first time meeting Aidan's Ma wasn't too bad because she and Michelle had been best friends since they were wains, she had practically grown up in the Mallon household.

However, meeting Aidan's Ma for the first time as his girlfriend was a completely different story. To say the Murphy girl was shitting herself before their first dinner with his family as a couple would be the understatement of the century.

She changed her outfit four times beforehand and couldn't stop fidgeting with her purity bracelet as she walked along side Aidan to his house. The blonde girl could still remember the sinking gut feeling that she would get whenever Deirdre looked at her with her intense stare - one that basically warned her not to hurt either of her children.

After all, if the relationship ended badly it wouldn't only be Aidan that would be losing his girlfriend -Michelle would lose her closest friend.

Thankfully for Maeve though, the matriarch of the Mallon household couldn't keep up the intimidation tactics for long around her, Maeve had always been her favourite of Michelle's friends and even she could see the good influence that she was having on her son.

"Who would have known that Mae could cook?" Michelle teases her bests friend, only to earn a kick to the shin by Maeve, the blonde smirking as the Mallon girl winces.

"Aren't you going to say anything, dickface?" Aidan gestures to his girlfriend, his eyes fixed onto his cousin and James eventually gets the message and sends Maeve a smile,

"It's really lovely, Maeve, thank you."

"You're welcome, James." She sends him a curt nod, taking another bite of her own pasta.

Michelle nudges her friend to get her attention and gestures to James, "Guess who got some action today."

"Michelle, we're at the table." Deidre tells her daughter but Michelle shrugs,

"Ball bags got a girlfriend."

Both Maeve and Aidan look to him in shock, speaking at the same time, "Who?"

"Don't act so surprised," he mutters under his breath but covers it with a cough when he sees his cousin's raised brow, "Katya."

Maeve chuckles under her breath, she couldn't help but feel the relief hit her at the fact Katya wouldn't be after her boyfriend.

"Did you force her?" Aidan asks in disbelief and James' eyes widen,

"N-no! Of course not - she said i was handsome...and, uh, and sexy, so,"

"Is her English not great?" Deirdre asks and Michelle cackles as she points to her mother,

"That's what I said!"

"Aye, I'm actually in shock right now." Maeve snickers as she sees the offended look on James' face.

"You should have seen the way she was eating his face-" Michelle is swiftly cut off,

"Ach, Michelle!"
The next day, Maeve had turned down the group's plans to go to the cafe, much to Michelle's annoyance as she claimed she would 'Die of annoyance from Erin's rambling about Katya and gouge her eyes out if she had to watch the wee Russian and Dickface suck eachother's faces off one more time without Maeve there as moral support.'

Maeve simply told her to enjoy herself with a smug smile which was returned with a middle finger to the face as the Mallon girl left.

Instead, Maeve and Aidan were off on a date...kind of a date?

Jenny Joyce had basically yapped her ear off the day before when she was leaving her house about some party she was throwing for the Ukrainian refugees and now the blonde needed a new outfit.

She pops out of the dressing room wearing the sixth dress and Aidan's bored face perks up with a grin when she comes into view. His girlfriend was wearing a tight, rhinestoned simple strapless dress in the same shade of red that her bra had been the day before, he can't help but shuffle in his seat at the memory of it.

Under the dress are some classy, patterned tights and she explains to him how she would match it with some black heels she already had back home.

The outfit was very much straying from her usual, elegant style and he didn't have the words to explain how attractive he found the sudden switch up.

It was unexpected to say the least and only when he notices her fidgeting with her bracelet anxiously does he realise he has yet to mutter a word to her, "That's the one."

A smile breaks out on her face and she looks over her outfit in the fitting room mirror, "Are you sure?"

"Aye, one hundred percent, darlin', you look gorgeous."

"Okay, good because i'm so hungry that shopping is starting to tire me out." She sighs in relief before changing and heading over to pay for her things.

Aidan wraps an arm around her waist with a smile and kisses her temple, "Food?"

"Food." she nods with a grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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