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Michelle hands out Avon magazines while Maeve speaks to the girls that she hands them to, "Avon...Avon...Ah, we have a wee offer in there for hair removal cream, if you want to get rid off the tash"

Erin rolls her eyes and pushes the girls to hurry, "There's no seats down here."

"Just move them wee dicks." Michelle instructs as if it's obvious.

"Aye, Erin they're literally the size of my wee sisters and your going to let them sit in our seats?"


"Why should we sit up the front? We're fifth years, they're fetuses." Michelle explains before the turn girls head towards the back, the others following after them.

"Alright, shift your short holes, let's go!"

Some begin to move before one girl in the middle stops them, "Nobody move."

Maeve eyes widen in shock and Michelle is the first to talk back, "You better do as I say or-"

"Or what?"

"Or there'll be consequences."

"Such as?"

"You smart mouthed fucker..." Maeve calls her out only to get a stare in response.

"Well, we'll beat you up."

Erin and Clare complain from behind the girls but then the fucker speaks up again, "Go on, then Beat me up."

"Well, not now. After school, we'll meet you after school."

"Grand, I'll meet you after school and you can beat me up?"

"What's happening?" Erin asks Maeve who shrugs in response, this never usually happens.

"I'll bring my sister Mandy. You might know her, Mandy O'Connel - she's upper sixth."

"I'll bring my boyfriend Aidan, you might know him - Aidan Mallon, he's kind of a hothead." Maeve mocks the girl who's eyes widen slightly, causing her to smirk to herself.

"Big Mandy?" Erin questions the girl, "Big Mandy's your sister?"

"That's right." The girl regains her smug smile.

"Retreat." Erin whispers to her friends.

Michelle sighs, "Listen, I think there's been a wee bit of a misunderstanding."

"Thought you might say that, now fuck off."
With that, the group of older teens head towards the front of the bus and take a seat.
"How long does this fast last?" Erin asks Clare as they notice her staring at Orla's sweets.

"Twenty-four hours, so I still have," she checks her watch, "Almost twenty-three hours to go."

"For fuck sake." Maeve sighs as Michelle speaks up,

"Fuck me, not the Africans again."

"Imagine being born there and not here. We don't know how lucky we are."

"Aye, fair dues - Derry is class."
The rest of the girls mumble in agreement to Michelle's words.

"Well, I was born here and not there so, I'm gonna happily not starve myself." Maeve rolls her eyes.
The bus is stopped in the middle of the road by soldiers.

"Everyone remain seated."

Maeve rolls her eyes in boredom before noticing James' panicked expression, "What's going on?"

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