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"A new school can seem like a very scary place." Jenny Joyce stands on stage reciting her welcome speech to the first years during assembly.

"But try to think of it this way, right now you're like a little seed and the school is like the soil - a safe and stable environment, within which you can grow."

"How did she get this position over you?" Michelle mumbles to her best friend who simply shrugs with a scoff.

"Wow, what a great way to look at it." Jenny's friend, Aisling, states from besides the annoying girl.

They both take a bow and leave the stage, Sister Michael taking their place. "Thank you, girls. Some lovely sentiments there, some very beautiful words. Unfortunately, that's all they are: sentiments and words. What you've just witnessed is a piece of fiction - the reality, I'm sorry to say, is much harsher, far more brutal. So let me take this opportunity to advise all our new girls to keep their guard up - watch their back."

"Oh, speaking of pupils who need to watch their back, I'd like to introduce James Maguire. Show yourself please, James."

Maeve watches as the boy awkwardly raises a hand.

"James will be the first ever boy to study hear at Our Lady Immaculate College," someone whistles at him causing Maeve to laugh, "He was due to start at Christian Brother Boys, but there were serious concerns for his safety because, unfortunately, James happens to be English."

The hall breaks out into laughter and Maeve can't help but snicker at the boy's flustered appearance.

"But let me make one thing clear, I will not have a repeat of the Mr. Mullin affair. Is that understood?"

"What's the Mr. Mullin affair?" James asks the two girls closest to him, one with an amused face, the other disgusted.

"Student teacher," Michelle explains, "Two fourth years cable tied him to the monkey bars and started dry riding him."

"It's was horrendous, those girls had no self respect." Maeve snarks as she plays with her purity bracelet.

"He was really good looking, so you've got nothing to worry about." Michelle both reassures and insults her cousin.

"Let us pray..." Sister Michael begins the prayer, Maeve being the only one out of her friends to actually pay attention.
"Please, Michelle." Erin begs the curly haired girl.

For as long as Maeve can remember, Erin has had a huge crush on David Donnelly. A boy who happens to be the lead of Aidan's band and someone who is completely oblivious to Erin's crush.

"No. I have no interest in David Donnelly's spazzmo band." Michelle replies before snacking on her packet of crisps.

"They look nice." Clare whispers, mostly to herself.

"We'll, what about you Maeve?"

"I'm okay, thanks." Maeve sucks on her lollipop as she answers.

"But, Aidan will be at the gig - won't he?"

"Obviously, Erin - he's part of the band," Maeve answers before turning to Michelle, "And I know he's my boyfriend and everything, but they are a wee bit shite, ain't they?" She turns back to look at Erin, "And anyways, I've got to watch my wee sisters and then I have cheer."

"Cheer? As in cheerleading?" James asks making Maeve roll her eyes.

"Of course I mean fecking cheerleading, you English prick. What else would I be talking about?"

"I can't go on my own." Erin complains, ignoring the interaction between them, before Michelle points to Clare,
"Bring Bobby Sands."

"Sure, how could I go? I'm so weak I can barely walk."

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