Part Three

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[As the Hogwarts Express bleats its horn, we crane over the milling horde of students. Parents hurry their children onboard, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... and Mr. Weasley dashes through the throng and up to an open train window. ]


[She hands Scabbers through the open window to him.]

The future scowls at the screen while the Marauders look carefully at the rat. It looked kind of like Peter...


The aisle teems with students. Harry, Ron and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment. 

HARRY: I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... (troubled by the memory) ... lost control. 

James told his son, "I'm so proud of you. You're carrying on my legacy of trouble."

Lily whacked her future husband on the head with Hogwarts: A History. 

"Shush, James! Harry, sweetheart, don't listen to him."

RON: Brilliant! 

HERMIONE: Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry's lucky he wasn't expelled. 

RON: I still think it was brilliant. 

Sirius looked at his godson. "You chose a good friend, Harry. Anyone who is excited about blowing people up is a genius."

This time Valerie walks over, snatches Lily's copy of Hogwarts: A History and whacks Sirius on the head.

"OW! Why'd you have to do that, love?"

"Because you don't need to corrupt my nephew. He's already James' son."

[SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! A copy of the The Monster Book of Monsters scuttles down the aisle, pursued by Neville Longbottom.]

NEVILLE: Hi, Harry. Ron. Hermione. 


[As he bumps past, Hermione nods to a compartment. ]

HERMIONE: C'mon. We're in here. 


HARRY: Close the door. 

[Hermione and Ron exchange a curious glance, then Ron rises, slides the door shut.]


Storm clouds, like dark ghosts, toss sheets of rain onto the scarlet engine as it heads north


[Ron and Hermione stare at Harry, faces stricken in the lantern light that now glows in the compartment. Crookshanks slumbers in her cage.]

RON: Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you? 

HARRY: Yes. And apparently one other person as well. Mr Weasley mentioned they'd be at Hogwarts. But he didn't mention who.

HERMIONE: But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean... eventually? 

RON: Sure. Of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving, murderous lunatic... 

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