3. We all fall down

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A.N: Break! I made it. Kind of Info dump? Not fully one, but like an aftermath of the reveal of Markus' existence.

"So, I'm the only one surprised at this?" Junichiro frowned.

"Yes." Ranpo answered chewing on a cake as he clicked the keys on the telephone.

Junichiro responded by looking at him quizzically.

"Okay say I 'believe' how did you know?"

The phone began to ring and Ranpo waited to see of the people on the other end would actually pick up before turning to Junichiro.

"Simple I was doing some research on the psyche and actions of Atsushi whenever he was in his 'moods' as Dazai calls them. His actions mirror that of someone with DID, however they considered themselves the same person." 

"Different names, personality, and beliefs on proper behavior."

He took a deep breath.

"Which is not uncommon but after analyzing his attack patterns when as 'Atsushi' and as 'Markus' I noticed that their fighting styles were not just different but near opposites. One was calculative and defensive while the other one impulsive and offensive."


"I thought yeah- DID since of its most common linkage to trauma and ways of handling traumatic situations. All boxes checked."

"So you didn't know."

Ranpo clicked his tongue.

"Not until I asked 'Markus' for his phone number and saw his actions."

"It was obvious he didn't know how a phone functioned but still gave me Atsushi's number, almost as if forgetting I already had it. As well as if acknowledging Atsushi as his own being, a possession ability came to mind but that was quickly proven wrong by Dazai."

"So he was in on it too?"


"Okay then why did Reincarnation come to mind?"

Ranpo made a 'zip-it' gesture as the line finally came on.

"Hello this is Ranpo of the Detective Agency at- oh Cale-san called you already? Pick up truck and crew coming at 12:00? Ah yes, thank you!"

He then hung up the phone.

"Dazai explained the differences when he 'took' Atsushi's soul and Markus' they were they same except one key difference..."


"Don't be stupid, we all now the whole 'Abilities are manifestation/extension of the soul' theory."

"Yeah but it's a theory! You can't bank it all on that!"

"Just listen-"

"Mine isn't an ability." Stated Atsushi, like he hadn't snuck in a private conversation.

"A-ah hi Atsushi-"

"This is Markus." Sighed the grouchy looking weretiger.

"Oh, greetings Markus?"

Junichiro didn't know how to quite respond. 

Markus was more 'refined' right? 

"Mine isn't an 'ability' like yours it isn't linked to the soul, but a physical trait that stemmed from my race. Because of this I don't have in ability... I am the ability."

Junichiro's eyes widened in understanding, before sending a half-hearted glare to Ranpo.

"Why didn't you just start with that?!"

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