1. A fake name

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A.N: I just started BSD so please show a little mercy, enjoy. Also Atsushi's personality is partially affected by the reincarnation.

Atsushi hated how he needed this.

He hated the feeling of want and envy toward this random person, it was dizzying, like a dozen little locusts running through the inside of his skin and reminding him of what he could never have.


The orphan stared at watered down blurry memory and gave a tense smile.


"Yes?" The voice echoed.

That was the voice of Markus, the voice Atsushi had grown to envy.

The image showed a dark rainforest, and two small children.

One was a boy with soft silvery blue hair a watery blue eyes.

This was Lock, a sweet playful and awfully awkward boy that followed Markus around like a lost puppy.

The other had white hair that was tied into perfectly made bun, his eyes were and odd mixture of lilac and amber, he always had this strict aura around him.

Yet despite their opposite personalities they were always together.

That was what Atsushi envied, the fact that no matter what happened Lock stood by Markus, a boy who always behaved like he had a stick permanently imbued in his ass.

Maybe it was the jealousy speaking, but Markus really took the people around him for granted, always keeping them at an arms reach and leaving it there.

That combined with the fact that Atsushi a boy who'd been hated since the birth of his existence was always forced to see a small sliver of happiness through the eyes of a person who didn't know the worth of what he'd been gifted by the world.

So it was the perfect breeding ground for small seeds of envy to grow... as well as weeds of guilt.

Atsushi had been taught his entire life that he wasn't deserving of the gift known as living, so as he stared at the happiness that wasn't his he felt... oddly pleased.

There were people that hadn't been given a bad hand by life, these people would live happy, they would grow with the love they'll later learn to distribute to their legacy.

That made Atsushi very happy, because he knew that people with such love exist and maybe one day they might give some of it to a thing like him.

Just like that the feelings of envy lessoned... and changed to feelings of hope.


Atsushi opened his eyes to come face to face with Dazai.

"Leave him alone you suicidal maniac."

Dazai gave an overexaggerated look of hurt.

"Why must you be so mean to me?~ I was just checking on-"

"Daiza-san, please respect my personal space." The weretiger huffed.

Kunikida raised an eyebrow.

"I see you are experiencing one of your moods."

The messy-haired catboy gave monotone look.

"I don't have moods."

"Right, and Dazai isn't trying to commit suicide every waking moment of his life."

"Kunikida-san, don't compare me to a person who is to much of an idiot to succeed shooting himself in the head."

Dazai gave an appalled look

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