Chapter 13

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Bethany's POV:

 I sighed heavily as I sat on Darnell's bed, wearing a hoodie we'd bought for him while he was here. He really liked this hoodie...It was a deep red with an orange hood and sleeves.

 "Why, Stellar...? Why did he leave us...?" I asked, my voice cracking. My wolf didn't answer. She just looked at me with a heart-broken expression.

 I lay down on the bed and just cried. "Why, Darnell?! I thought you loved me! Why did you leave me...?"

 At that moment, I heard a knock on my door. "Bethany..? Can I come in..?" Cara's voice reached my ears. I didn't reply. I simply nodded my head. "How are you feeling, Beth...?"

 I shrugged. "I don't know...I just...I miss him so much..."

 Cara sat down on the bed and put her hand on my shoulder. "I know...And I am so sorry..." 

 "Thanks.." I mumbled.

 "I was gonna go for a walk and maybe get a soda...Do you want to join me...?" Cara asked gently.

 "I don't think so...I just don't feel like it..."

 "Come on, Bethany...You've been in here all day...You could use the fresh air...It would do you good." I didn't reply. "We don't have to go far, Beth...Loraina and Marcus are really worried about you. Even Little Cassie...I think you should at least get some fresh air."

 I looked at her. "Well...." I felt kinda bad for worrying Loraina, Marcus, and Cassie...I felt bad for worrying my friends... "Alright...I guess I could go for a little walk.." I said quietly. Cara smiled at me. I smiled back and slowly got up off the bed, putting the picture in the pocket of my hoodie. "Just let me change first."

 "Sure! No problem, Beth." Cara nodded.

 I went into my room and got some clothes. I threw on a pair of black leggings and a gray sweater. I then brushed my hair before putting a gray scrunchie into it, making a ponytail. I wrapped the hoodie around my waist, not wanting to leave it behind. I then went out to join Cara.

 She gave me a small smile before walking away. I followed close behind her. When we got outside, I stopped and squinted in the bright sunlight. I sighed. It was a bright, sunny day when I met Darnell...

 "Bethany? Are you coming?" Cara's voice brought me out of my thoughts. 

 I looked and her and nodded, giving a small smile. We walked together away from the pack house. We didn't get very far before I caught sight of Luke and Kyle. I frowned. They were...basically carrying someone....It looked like the person was unconscious...My wolf stirred restlessly in my head. She growled and howled. That was when I picked up on a familiar scent...S'mores....But, I also got a hint of something burning...I remember that scent...I instantly ran forward towards Luke and Kyle. That was my mate they were carrying!

 "Bethany?!" Cara exclaimed, hurrying after me.

 I didn't respond. I just ran forward. Luke and Kyle stopped in front of me, carrying an unconscious Darnell. My eyes were wide in worry.

 "We found him like this. He was right at the edge of the pack. We smelled something strange while we were training and decided to investigate." Kyle explained.

 "Is he alright??" I asked quickly.

 "I think so. He woke up when we found him, but was too weak to move. He just fell asleep again." Luke explained. "One thing I do know. He is not a wolf."

 I kinda had already figured that out on my own when I first caught his unusual scent several days ago. I didn't want to say anything though, or let on that I knew. I frowned, cupping his head with my hands. He looked exhausted and pale...

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