Chapter 8

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Bethany's POV:

 My dance recital is in two days. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. It's how I usually feel before a performance. But, this time, my feelings have escalated because Darnell will be there watching me. What if I mess up?? What if he hates it?? What if I don't do well?? I have to be perfect...My mate is watching! I can't make a fool of myself....

 "I don't think you were even this nervous when you were doing your very first performance." my wolf, Stellar, stated.

 "This is different, Stell. I didn't have my mate watching my every dance step! The mate that still hasn't officially decided if he wants to stay or not!" I exclaimed. My heart hurt at the thought of Darnell leaving. I don't want him to leave...But I want him to be happy....I do my best to make sure he's happy and well taken care of at all times. But there's still something about him...He still seems hesitant to stay....Loraina says to give him time and I'm doing just that. But how much time do I need to give him?? Months?! Years?!

 "I wish I could reassure you and tell you he won't leave..." Stellar began. She looked sad. "But, I do know, that our mate really does care about us and I truly believe he loves us. He loves when we dance for him in the backyard. I think even if we mess up, he will adore our performance either way."

 I looked down at the scrunchie in my hands. She had a point...He really does seem to love me...And he really does love it when I dance for him. Ever since I showed him that first dance, which was actually an original of mine, I've been showing him more and more dances. Even some from the Beauty and the Beast performance I'm doing.

 "You're right...I'll try to think more positive." I smiled at her before continuing to do my hair. When I finished, I put my brush down on the dresser and left my room. 

 I followed Darnell's scent all the way to his room. I gave a small frown. Along with the delicious scent of s'mores, I smelled something.....strange....It smelled like something was burning. Was there a fire in Darnell's room?! I could feel panic build up inside me as I raced to my mate's bedroom. I quickly threw open the door and just stared at Darnell. Darnell looked at me, his eyes wide in panic and shock. That scent....That burning scent....It was coming from Darnell...

 Darnell's POV:

 I sat on my bed, buttoning my sweater. My crutch leaned against the wall near the head of the bed. As I sat there, I found myself thinking about Bethany. I think about her a lot, which, is probably normal for mates. But, I founding myself thinking about if she ever found out I was a phoenix. I closed my eyes, groaning a little, as a wave of dizziness came over me.

 "Darnell, you need to let out your real scent. You've been hiding it since we got here. It's causing you to feel run down and exhausted." Blaze said suddenly. 

 I sighed. I had been feeling the results of hiding my true scent...See, I can disguise my scent. But I can't do it for too long. It'll take a toll on my energy. "But what if someone senses it...? What if Bethany senses it...?"

 My phoenix sighed heavily and looked at me. "Darnell, if you pass out in exhaustion, you know your false scent will fall and be replaced by your real scent. Not to mention it'll worry them. Especially Bethany. And...they will find out eventually. We have to tell them."

 I looked at him. I knew he was right. "Alright...I'll....I'll let out my real scent...But only for a few minutes. I don't want anyone finding out just yet. They can't know, Blaze....Bethany can't know....I can't risk losing her..." All my life, I was unloved and alone...I never knew how it felt to love and be loved...I never knew I needed this until I met her....I don't want to lose her...I can't lose her...I don't want to lose this feeling...I want to love her for the rest of my life...I want to be loved for the rest of my life...

 "You won't lose her, Darnell. Trust her. Give her a chance. I don't believe she will reject us just because we're different. I really don't."

 I sighed heavily as I let out my true phoenix scent. "I trust you, Blaze. I believe you. But....I just need time....It's hard for me to trust people."

 "I know it is..." Blaze said quietly. "I know you need time...And that's ok. But please at least think about it. They need to know. She needs to know."

 I was about to reply when my door suddenly burst open. I jumped and stared at Bethany, who stood there in the doorway, staring at me in shock.

 "What are you...?" she asked in a quiet voice. 

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