I need my pills.

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(cw: Mention of severe injuries + other not so nice things !! + I recommend you listen to “Action Winter Journey - Nero's Day At Disneyland” as you read).

[ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ ᴅʏʟᴀɴ's ᴍɪɴᴅ]


my head hurts

I keep seeing
of them.

Who are they? Why are they here? Can they see me? Why can I see them?

I have the worst migraine ever, I need my pills. Where are my pills? Where the fuck are my pills? Hahahaa. WHERE ARE THEY?! I need them now I need them now I need them now I need them now I need them now I need them now

They're watching me.

They're staring at me.

They're looking at me.
I want them to stop.

Why are they here? I want them gone.

Why are they in my house? Is this my house? Of course it is, you idiot- Where are my pills?

They're just standing there. There's a, a boy. And so many other people. So many people. I can't count them all... my eyes.. my head... I need my pills.

There's so many people. They're making puddles of blood on my floor. I need to clean it up. They need to go.

There's 12 of them, I think. I don't like it. I don't want them here.

Daniel. He's here. He's still so small... but why is he like that..? A bone is sticking out of what's left of his left arm.. dark red blood is pouring out of the wound onto my rug. His head - oh my god his head - half of his head has caved in and you can, I'm going to throw up, you can see his brain jesus christ. His throat has been slit open. Who did that to him? He's so young he didn't deserve that... more blood is streaming down his face with a hastily tied bandage around his head. All of his limbs have deep cuts and wounds on them, dear Lord. His once comforting brown eyes are staring me down. It's an uncomfortable silence. How is he here? I thought he was.. kidnapped.. why is he here with all of these people?

This isn't real. He's not real. He's not actually here. Get it together Dylan. You're not crazy. You're not fucked in the head. You're normal. He's not actually h-

where did he go

where is he

everyone else is here

where is he

Everyone else has similar wounds to him. They all have cuts on their throats. This guy looks like his head was stitched back on. I... can't even imagine how that must've felt.

no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no

It can't be them. It can't be them. I haven't seen them since I moved out. My old roommates, Adam and Richard. They're barely even recognisable. Richard's face is halfway covered by his VR headset. I remember when he bought it. He saved up for months to finally get one. It looks like it's stuck to him permanently. Waterfalls of blood coming from multiple stab wounds is covering the rest of his face. His mouth is heavily disfigured, it's cut into sections? His legs. Blood soaked stumps end where his lower legs should start. What happened to him? Adam's here too. I never liked him very much but nobody deserves what happened to him. His entire head is wrapped in blood-stained bandages and he has poorly done stitches on his neck. His ribcage is visible. And his insides. Why is everyone covered in blood? What twisted person would do this? And why are they all looking at me...?

I need my meds.

My father. He's here as well. And as usual he's slumped on the floor like the drunken idiot he is. That's how he used to be anyway before he died. Except... well, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, he has no head anymore. It's just another bloody residual limb where his head should be. Where is it? What happened? Why does he have no head? His body is sat in a pool of red thick liquid and it's ... eurgh, it's disgusting. The stench of alcohol and metal do not go together at all. It's a rancid smell but it fits my father quite accurately. Wait. Why is he like this anyway? Didn't he have a heart attack or a.. uhh.. a tumour or something? He died so long ago, haha, I can't remember. I remember the sirens. They were ear-splittingly loud. Did he have a heart attack? Was he murdered? Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember? I want to remember. Why can't I?

I'm walking around his mutilated body and it's... it's so gross. Why would someone do this to him? It's obvious someone attacked him. There's gashes and cuts all over his body. His clothes are torn to pieces. Someone really wanted him to suffer. Like the other people (or what's left of them) his neck has been split open and it's all wet and, and ew I can't, it's disgusting. But honestly, he deserved it. I don't care wh-

I tripped. Karma, I guess. But what'd I.. trip on..? There wasn't anything in the way when I was walking? I lift myself up a little with my hands and turn my head towards my feet. There's nothing. I couldn't have tripped on anything and I'm not a clumsy person. I used to be but my dad beat that out of me. Laugh, it's funny. Okay whateve- what the fuck?! That, that wasn't there before. Jesus, Dad, what happened to you? His head appeared in front of my own as I'm laying on the ground. What kind of sick joke is this? God, his eyes are so...empty. There is zero life left in that man. A small hole on his forehead caught my attention, it's obviously a gunshot wound. He must've been shot and then disfigured like this, that's the only possible explanation. He wouldn't have let anyone hurt him like this, trust me; he can get... violent. Maybe he deserved it. Maybe he did something bad to someone and they got him back?

There's so many fucking people
I don't recognise half of them
Who are they
Why do they stare so much

why do they stare
why do they stare
why do they stare at me

Spencer. Spencer? Spencer?! What? H-he's here! I, I found him! But he doesn't look, uh, well. He's so pale. He looks exactly how he did when I found him in... err.. where did I find him? It was a forest but which one? They're all the goddamn same. He's staring at me too. His head. He has a similar bullet hole to my dad. All the blood on him seems to have dried. He's been missing for like a week? Two? I don't even know what day it is.

My head... it aches. I need my medication now, where is it? How long have I not been taking it for? I can't remember anything, my head is so foggy. When did I last have my meds-?

im surrounded
theyre getting closer
theyre all around me
im surrounded
im surrounded by dead people
theyre getting closer

please stop
i dont want them in my house
please stop


- - -

-w/c: 1208!!
-Well... uhm. Take your meds kids! Don't end up like Dylan, okay? He'll be okay. Maybe. Wait and see :)


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