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*Time skip*

Tyler, Ryan, and Jacob, all went to jail. We got Justin's name cleared. He has a new name so now it's technically Austin. I later found out that Austin is in love with me. We started dating a few months ago. I moved out of my parents house and now me and Austin are living together! The other three boys got what they deserved and they got life in prison, for doing all of these bad things to girls they even killed some of them.

Today is the day that me and Austin are going to go and see the other three boys to give them some word of advice and then bye bye for good.

If it wasn't for Austin I wouldn't have been out of here. I could've been dead for all I know or I could still be there right now.

We then got to the police station. I asked to see them.

"Excuse me. May I see Ryan, Jacob, and Tyler, please?" The officer looked at me with a weird face, "Aren't you the girl-" I interrupted and said, "The girl that they kidnapped? Yes I am. I'm here to give them some advice and then I'll never see them again.

"Okay. Do you want someone there with you?" I then shook my head no and replied,

"No thanks, I'm good." "Okay." He replied. He then let me see all three of them. They all sat at the table me and Austin then came and sat by them.

"This is your fault. You b!tch. You deserve to be here not us!" Tyler yelled at me. The other two just had some mad faces.

"Here's some words of advice, don't make your brother kidnap girls and do things to girls that he doesn't want to do or you'll get here. So maybe don't trust your brother to teach a girl a lesson that he doesn't want to do or they will escape. But you don't even need this advice since ya'll will be in jail for the rest of your life!"

I then smiled at him flipped my hair and I asked Austin, "Do you have anything to tell them?" He started thinking. "Yeah, yeah I do actually." "And what would that be?"

"Never kidnap or rape a girl. It's just not right. And this is what y'all get for treating her like sh!t, so DON'T do it!" He seemed more mad then me. We then got up and walked off.

"You deserve to be in jail too, you were apart of this too!" Austin looked like he wanted to punch them in the face. He then walked over to them and replied back to Jacob,

"Yeah, but I was forced to. And the police don't know about that. So shut your mouth."

We then got home and had a picnic in the back yard! It was nice! We bout a house together.

"I'm sorry for everything that they put you through, and what I did to you." I looked at him and smiled. I then replied, "It's not your fault. I'm sorry for making you feel bad."

"You didn't make me feel bad-well I felt bad but it made me feel worse. I'm sorry we gave you all of those scars."

Sometimes I get triggered by certain things, I've been going to therapy for it and I've been getting better but I still get triggered sometimes.

Austin seen that it triggered me. I then looked down and tried to hold back tears, but I couldn't so I then went inside.

"Wait. Abby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to trigger you. Abby please come back!"

I then locked myself into the bathroom. Normally I can keep it under control, but this time I couldn't. It just scars me and I know that it's my fault. If I wouldn't have went to the party it wouldn't have happened or if I wouldn't have went outside or down the street then I wouldn't have been kidnapped.

"Abby. Abigail! Abigail are you okay?"

"No. No I'm not okay."

"Please let me in Abigail. I can help you!" He sounded like he felt so bad. "What's wrong? Please tell me what I said to trigger you. I wanna help!" I hugged him and cried into his shoulder.

"If I wouldn't have went to that party then I probably wouldn't have been kidnapped and if I wouldn't have went outside or went down the street then that stuff wouldn't have happened to me. YOU LET THEM DO THOSE THINGS TO ME!!"

I got so mad at him. He had all of the guns he could've tried to stop them but he didn't.

Austin's Pov-

Abigail didn't know but I tried all that I could to stop them from doing all of those wrong things to her.

I risked my life to save most of those girls, but I especially risked my life to save Abigail.

She didn't know this but I tried killing them. It was the only way out. But I got so many bad punishments that it almost killed me. And it was 3 against 1 so of course they would win. So I didn't 'let them' hurt her, or rape her, or do anything to her, she just thinks that I did. It hurts when people say that you didn't do something in a serious situation even though you did.
Abigails's Pov-

"If I wouldn't have went to that party then I probably wouldn't have been kidnapped and if I wouldn't have went outside or went down the street then that stuff wouldn't have happened to me. YOU LET THEM DO THOSE THINGS TO ME!!"

I then pushed him away from me. I didn't want to even look at him at this point.

"I didn't 'let them' do anything to you. I risked my life trying to save all of those girls, but I risked my life even more for you. And do you want to know why? It's because I love you." He's never said that to em before. "And I almost got killed totally trying to stop them from doing those things to you. So I had to try and figure out a good way to get us both out of there. So DON'T say that I 'let them' do anything to you because I didn't. I risked my own life to save you. They gave me so many bad punishments that i was close to dying, and then they left me outside in the freezing cold and I only had my boxer underwear on. But you didn't know that because I dont like people to see my weaknesses, and I don't like people to see what they did to me. They traumatized you just like they traumatized me."

I felt so bad. I was wrong. But I didn't feel bad because I was wrong, I felt bad because of what they put him through.

I looked at him with angry tears in his eyes trying nit to cry.

"Austin I'm so sorry. I was so wrong. I shouldn't have said that to you. That was wrong of me to say to you. I want to get better I really do. And I think that you should try to get better too." I then hugged him. We both felt bad for each other. We both wished that our past would just go away, but it can' we have to deal with it and live with it. He has to live with him having to do things to girls that he didn't want to do to them and I have to live with I was kidnapped and I was almost killed and I was raped.

I feel bad for treating him like this but I wish that he would know how it feels, but he doesn't.

"I just wish that you would know how it feels for what I went through. You don't understand how it feels and I'm sorry for what they put you through."

"Your right. I don't know what it felt like for you to go through those things, but it's just like you, you don't know how it felt what they put me through. And I know that it's hard, it's hard for me too but now their in jail and it's taken care of. So now we have to try to get over it."

Austin is right we have to get over it. But it's hard for me.

KIDNAPPED BY THE MAFIAWhere stories live. Discover now