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The next thing that i know, i got hit in the head hard with something. I then woke up back in the basement tied to the ceiling again. And i know that you might be thinking,'How do you get tied to the ceiling?' Well, they have something hooked to the ceiling, and then they just tie rope around my wrists. That's how they tied me to the ceiling.

"Oh heyy! The beautiful princess is finally awake!" Tyler had said to everyone, with a smirk on his face. Tyler then came over to me with his knife and rubbed it on my face but didn't cut me with it. "Remember what i told you about trying to escape? Yeah... so why do it again? I told you that you couldn't get away from us. Baby, you want to get away from me?" He was mad, and then when he called me 'Baby', he seemed calm and fine. He makes no sense.

"WHY DO IT AGAIN?!" He yelled at me. "I-i don't know." I then started to cry. "Don't lie to me, princess, or i will slit your throat." He then put the knife up to my throat. "Don't think that i won't do it because I will. Remember what i did to your arms? And how i cut them? Yeah, so i will slit your throat if i have to." He had a point. i was so scared, and my wrists started hurting a lot because i was hanging from the ceiling. "I'm scared of all of you. I just want to go home. I'm only sixteen." He took the knife away from my throat and walked a little bit away from me.

"Like i told you a million times, i will NOT hurt you if you listen to us. So just TRUST ME and then you'll be fine." "I'm sorry. I'll listen. I'll listen. I will i'm sorryyy! Please don't hurt me. I will stop trying to escape. Just please, PLEASE, don't hurt me." I was hoping that it worked, but it was hard to tell with Tyler, and it was hard to change his mind with things like this. "Cut the rope." Ryan looked at him with an angry face, "But she won't learn her lesson like that." Tyler looked at him like he would hurt him if he didn't stop. "I said untie her, or you will get a punishment. Now you listen to me, Ryan, not yourself!" Tyler was really mad, i could tell. He was talking to through his teeth. Ryan then cut the rope, but i fell to the floor. I still had the rope around my wrists that i had to take off. "Owwww." I cried when i fell to the floor. Tyler tried to help me untie the rope, but i didn't want him to. "Here." He said to me and tried to untie it. "Stop. Let me go!" I guess he didn't really want to fight me.

He dragged me upstairs. He threw me onto the bed, and he then laid next to me in bed. He grabbed his gun off of the nightstand and started rubbing it against the side of my body and then said to me, "Just to remind you." He then started snuggling me like he did a few days ago. It is now nighttime. We were going to bed. I really didn't want him to snuggle me because it's gross, but i didn't want to sleep with him snuggling me. We've been sleeping together every night since I've been here, and i hate it, but we haven't snuggled together, though.

It was now around 3 a.m. i tried to get up and maybe try to escape, but i had to take his hand from around me to get up. "Where are you going?" "Shit." i whispered to myself. "I have to pee." I replied back to him. I then closed the door and made it seem like I was going pee, but I really actually wasn't. I couldn't go out of the window because they put something on it to lock the window from the last time when I tried to escape.

I figured out what I was going to do next.

I snuck out of the bathroom and opened the door quietly. Tyler was still sleeping. I then tip-toed to his nightstand to grab his gun. He was still sleeping, so I grabbed his gun and opened the bedroom door quietly. Everyone was sleeping except me. I walked down stairs, I tried to walk out the front door, but it was locked. So, I needed a key to unlock it from the inside. I then started looking for any kind of keys. I turned on the lights. No one could see the lights because their doors were all closed.

I heard someone coming downstairs, so I hid.

It was Justin.

He then saw me. "Abigail, is that you?" He had asked me. But I never told them my name. So, how does he know my name? "Woah." He said while stepping backward. "Stay there." He put his hands in the air.

KIDNAPPED BY THE MAFIAWhere stories live. Discover now