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"Here, go take a shower." Tyler wanted me take a shower. I was so happy to finally be able to take a shower. "When you're done, come downstairs." I didn't know why. "W-why?" He kind of gave me a look. "To eat. Do you want to starve?" I shook my no. I went into the bathroom to take my shower. They only gave 5 minutes each time i would take a shower. It seemed like forever since I hadn't been home. I looked in the mirror and looked at all of my scars. They are all so ugly. Now I'm ugly. That's not why i don't want to be here, though. Well, that's a part of it. All of my scars hurt. Even the ones that aren't scars yet. I don't get why any guy or guys would want to do this to girls. And they don't even feel bad for it.

They now locked the window to where I couldn't get out.

After 5 minutes, Jacob came into the room. "Hey, are you dressed?" It didn't really matter since they've already seen me, but I still cared, so I guess it does matter. "N-no. Almost done." I guess he didn't like that. He then opened the door, dragged me out, and threw me onto the bed. I was only in my bra and underwear. "You will be done when I say that you will be. So you are done. You got it, sweetheart?" He asked me with a smirk on his face. "Yes. I'm sorry." He then came over to me and got on top of me. "Are you though? Are you really sorry?" I had tears rolling down my face, but i wasn't fully crying yet. "Yes. i'm sorry. Please don't do this. Please!" i then started to cry. He tied me to the bed. When he tied me to the bed, i started to kick and scream and cry. "Please stop. PLEASE! I'm just a 16 year old girl. Would you want your 16 year old daughter to be rapped by a guy?" I had asked him. He then stopped. "No. No, i wouldn't want her to be raped, but you're not my daughter." I tried to outsmart him. I had hoped that it would work, but i didn't know if it worked or not. "I'm someone's daughter. So if you wouldn't want your daughter to be rapped, then please don't do it to me." I was crying and begging him to stop. He finally stopped. i was glad that he did.

If I could get Jake to stop, maybe I could try that with the other guys too, and then I could get out of certain things.

Tyler then came into the room. He just started snuggling up to me. It was weird, but at least it wasn't worse. If I stop trying to he's nice, if I'm nice he's nice to me. If I outsmarted Jacob then maybe I could try to outsmarted Tyler.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you?" Tears were then rolling down my face. I was acting calm, just looking at the ceiling. "Fine." I finally replied. "Good girl. Have you learned your lesson?" I tried to act normal and not act scared. But its definitely hard when your kidnapped and they can do whatever they want to you. "Yeah." I replied. He then seen the tears rolling down my face and that I was looking up at the ceiling and trying not to cry. He then got up, "Hey. Baby. What's wrong?" I then looked at him and said, "Nothing. I'm okay." He started to move his hand on my face. "Baby, it's not nothing if you're crying."

I was try so hard to be calm while he was doing whatever he wanted to me.

"I-i want to go home." I then started to cry, "I'm scared. I'm scared of you. I'm scared, what you'll do to me." He looked like he actually 'cared' but I knew that he didn't. "Aww baby I told you...if you listen to me then nothing happens but if you don't." He then started moving his hand down my chest. And then finished what he was saying "But if you don't then something will happen." He said with a smirk on his face.

I just let him do whatever he was going to do. What's the point in fighting him if it's not going to work and if I'll get punishments. So I've just learned to stop fighting them and just do what they say.

"You need more clothes." I only had what they kidnapped me in and then I had whatever they would give me. "Do you want to go to the mall today?" He had asked me. Maybe this was my way of escaping! So of course I said yes! "Yeah! I would love to go!" I said with a little smile on my face I then sat up. He smiled at me "Yeah?" He asked me, "Yeah!" I replied back to him.

"Go and get some of my clothes from the dresser and put them on." Those were the only clothes that I could wear. He then went down stairs and td the boys that we were going to the mall. "Hey, boys we're going to the mall to get her more clothes. So go and get ready guys.

"Your not seriously taking that bitch to the mall? Are you?"

"Yes I'm taking her to the mall. It's not for 'fun' it's to get her on our side and not want to leave us. That's all. She's already calmer and letting me do whatever I want to do to her!"

"Alright. That's smart."

I then walked down the stairs with my arms crossed over my chest.

"There's the pretty princess!" Ryan said out loud about me.

Tyler started explaining the rules to me.

"1. You will always stay with one of us. 2. If someone asks who we are to you just say that we are your brothers and that your adopted. 3. You WILL NOT try to escape. Do you understand?" I shook my head yes and then said, "uh huh."

I was walking to the car but apparently I wasn't walking fast enough because Ryan pushed me to the ground. "Get up." It hurt when he pushed me onto the concrete driveway. "Owww." "Get your ass up. NOW. your fine. Get up." Ryan demanded me to get up.

Tyler got mad at Ryan for doing that to me. "Dude what the fck? Why would you do that?" He asked him in like a mad tone of voice. "Because it's funny and she wasn't walking fast enough."

Tyler then gave me his hand to help me get up but I pushed his hand away, and I got up on my own. He pulled out his gun from the back of his pants and grabbed me by my hair and put the gun up to my head,
"Remember what I said about listening? And don't think I'm not bringing my gun to the mall because I will kill everyone there. Do you understand?"

I was about to start crying but I kept it inside. "Y-yes." He then let me go and pushed me, but I didn't fall to the ground this time. "Good!" He replied.

I sat in the middle of the car and I was stuck between Tyler and Jacob. Ryan was driving and Justin was in the front seat. Jacob started moving his hand on me. It makes me feel uncomfortable all the time. I was in a car with 4 very dangerous boys and they all have guns. So I couldn't do anything. Me just sitting there squished in the middle of two grown men. Tears rolling down my face. Tyler was on his phone while Jacob was being very inappropriate. Tyler then noticed when I started to whimper a little bit.

"Dude, leave her alone. Don't touch her like that."

Jacob gave him a look.

"She's not just yours. She's mine too. She's all of ours. So I can touch her if I want to however I want to."

Tyler wrapped his arm around me and put my head on him on his chest. I didn't like it but I just went along with it.

"Don't." Tyler said to Jacob. Jacob then touched me. I gasped. Tyler pulled out his gun and pointed it at Jacob. "I said don't. She's special. She's mine. If you want to we can get more girls at the mall for just you if you want." When he pointed the gun at him I then started crying. I was scared. I hid my face. "Heyy it's okay. It's okay I'm not going to hurt you or shoot you." He laid my head on his chest again, and tried to get me to stop crying.

We finally got to the mall. They made me wear a paler mask makeup and some blue light glasses. I've been on the news for the missing girl so they didn't want anyone to notice me.

I looked for everyday out that I could. But they all followed me no matter what. I asked to go to the bathroom. That would be my only way out. Their all men. They can't to into the women's bathroom. I climbed out of the window. All of the girls in the bathroom thought that I was crazy but I didn't care. It was my only escape.

The window was really small but I made it work. When your kidnapped you make it work. after about five minutes they started looking for me.

"Hey have you seen a girl? she was wearing a blue oversized shirt with light blue jeans?" "Yeah. she climbed out the window. Are you like her dad or something?"

They then started to look for me. But i had already gotten away by that time. 

I was running as fast as i could. Even though all of the things that they put me through hurt to run.

Next thing that i know i got  hit in the head hard with something. I then woke up back in the basement tied to the ceiling again. And i know that you might be thinking 'how do you get tied to the ceiling?' Well they have something hooked to the ceiling and then they just tie rope around my wrists. That's how they tied me to the ceiling.

KIDNAPPED BY THE MAFIAWhere stories live. Discover now