Chapter 6

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(⚠️WARNING⚠️ : chapter contains drastic scenes, such as a fight and blood)

Sumire's POV: *flashback*

I came home very late, around 1 AM. After spending a really nice part of the evening with Kawaki, I had to get back to work. Amado-san has a lot of research to supervise lately, resulting in a huge amount of reports, and a general mess of paperwork. It's taking me too long to sort it out and go through each sheet of paper, but what can I do? I'm just his assistant. Doing that is my job. After returning home, all I dreamed about was a hot bath and a good night's sleep. While I was still in the room, I decided that no one would be walking around the house at such an hour, so I would just take a towel and put on my pajamas in the bedroom.

Trying to be silent - so as not to wake anyone - I went to the bathroom. I didn't lock the door because if the light is on in the middle of the night, someone must be inside, right? I placed a towel on the cabinet next to the shower and then undressed. I opened the shower door and started my bath. I've really been waiting for this all day.

While the warm water was flowing over my body, shampooing my hair, I started to think about what had happened during the entire day - but not only that. I heard from Sarada that Boruto was sighted about 200 km from Konoha, and I sincerely hope that he is approaching us. Maybe he's gonna finally come back to the village? I don't know, but I hope so - Sarada too. We waited a long time for any news about him. Still, when I think about his smile and his ocean eyes, it warms my heart. I still love him, even though three years have passed. But from what I noticed... I'm not the only one who has feelings for him. Do you know how terrible it feels when your best friend loves the same person as you? Sarada spent her entire childhood with Boruto and even ended up in the same team as him. It hurts me, but I saw the way he was looking at her - differently.

Just like... the way Kawaki stares at me...  Wait-

Only now, when I compared it with each other, did I realize how he stares at me every time. For example, yesterday, at sunset. He looked so... calm - nothing like himself. I've never seen Kawaki look at anyone like that, and he does it for me. Why? What does he see in me? Wait, that's bad? Sumire, what are you even talking about!? For so long I wanted to be important to someone, and when I finally feel like I mean something to someone, do I have the right to think this way? Of course, I would like it to be Boruto-kun, but... if Kawaki is actually doing this because he sees value in me, then I'm willing to be happy with even that. My, my... what am I even saying? 

I started washing the shampoo out of my hair. I don't like doing this because water flies into my eyes. Fortunately, it doesn't last long, and after a while I can finally start washing my body. In our "house" everyone has their own shampoo, conditioner and basically every cosmetic. The only thing Eida and I share are eyeshadow palettes and brushes. Himawari is still too young for makeup, but she got lip gloss from me for her birthday - and I see she uses it often. I'm glad she likes it. I also use lip gloss. This is going to sound weird, but I'm a bit obsessed with general skincare. I just take care of myself because it's the only thing that gives me satisfaction with my overall appearance. I can openly say that I don't like the way I look. I don't think I'm ugly, but Sarada, Eida and my friends are definitely much prettier than me. Sarada has always attracted everyone to her because of her unusual beauty, for which I truly envy her. Yes, I'm jealous. I'm not proud of it, but I can't lie to myself. Sarada was and is  prettier, smarter, stronger - and generally more confident than me. That's why Boruto-kun adores her that much... I turned off the water flowing from the shower head and, getting out of the shower, I grabbed a towel lying on the cabinet next to me. I wiped my body with it and then wrapped it around my body. Looking in the mirror in front of me, I felt like I wanted to cry. Why do I look this way? I went to the sink and started the last stage - removing my makeup. Basically, it's just mascara and the remains of concealer, but still. Grabbing a cotton pad and micellar fluid, I started removing the black streaks from my face. I was so absorbed in this activity that I didn't even hear the knock on the door...

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