Chapter 4

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{Evening - around 10 p.m.}

Sumire's POV: 

I spent the rest of the day surprisingly well. I don't remember the last time I took a day off - which just shows how good this decision was. Apart from "strange and unusual" situations, of course. I was sitting with Daemon and Himawari in the living room playing cards. 

- Makao - I said, holding the last card in my hand. 

- No way! Again?! 

- Haha! Looks like Sumire-san is better in playing cards than you! 

- Shut up! - the boy said, throwing the card aggressively at the remaining pile.

- Looks like I won again - I placed the last card with the image of King Vino.

- NOOOO!!!!!!!!

Daemon, nervous, with one movement of his hand, scattered the entire fan of cards he had previously had in his hand onto the ground.

- Hahaha! - Eida laughed, looking at her obviusly pissed brother. 

- Damn it! How?! You won more than five times already!!!

- 'Couse she's smarter than you, dumbass - Kawaki said, making the boy more angry. 

I smiled to myself for a moment.

- Ohh, Kawaki-kun - don't say such things. 

- But it's true - Himawari laughed. 


- Ok ok, everyone calm down - Eida said, almost choking on laughter. 

Daemon was disconsolate that his sister didn't take him seriously either. Clearly dissatisfied, he collected the cards lying on the ground and shuffled them. Himawari and Eida could be seen in the background, laughing hard. After a moment, they both caught their breath, and wiped the tears from their eyes. Kawaki, on the other hand, was sitting on the other sofa, looking gravely dissatisfied as usual. Sometimes I wonder if he ever smiles... I sneaked a glance at him and noticed that he was looking straight at me. My blood ran cold, and I immediately looked away, pretending that everything was fine. 

- Hey, Sumire-san, are you doing to work tomorrow? 

- No, I decided to ask Amado-san for three more days off. To my surprise, he said that he was waiting for me to do it...

- That old-man - Eida said - he could siad that more "kindly". Why he's always so mean. 

- It's ok, Eida-san. Anyway, is there a reason of that question, Himawari-chan? 

- Emm, no. I was just curious - the girl said, smiling sincerely, - we're all worried about you.

- Worried? Why? - I asked, making confused face.

- Sumire, you're overworking yourself for more than three years. 

- Girl, you really need a break - Daemon agreed with Eida and Himawari. 

I felt stupid, so they noticed it? Heh, my bad habits have come to light. I smiled awkwardly, trying to hide my shame. But they were right. For the past three years, I haven't taken any days off at all, even when I was sick. I worked full time and came home late in the evenings - sometimes at night. It happened that drunk men accosted me along the way, but fortunately, each time, despite being extremely tired, I managed to escape. I was really lucky. I want to spend the saved money that I earned thanks to my exhausting work on plastic surgery. I can only do it in two years (because I'm underage), but I still have 890,100 yen ($6,000) in my pocket. Great enough for me. Nevertheless, now that I have enough money, I can afford a short "break". 

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