CHAPTER ONE, big time auditions (part one)

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Andi was starting to regret taking a job at Rocque Records as an intern

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Andi was starting to regret taking a job at Rocque Records as an intern. Sure, it was an opportunity of a lifetime to work with the world's best and most famous artists, and she had been elated when she had gotten the offer. But being an intern wasn't all that great. Most of her day was spent getting coffee and running errands, and there was the occasional chore or menial task. She even got paid for some of them which was nice. It was an actual paycheck, but she felt like she could be doing more. And she wasn't even an intern for one of the artists. She worked directly for Gustavo Rocque, the founder of the record label, and that could be both a blessing and a curse. She enjoyed working with the man because he was funny, charismatic, and larger than life. But he was also eccentric and a bit of a diva. Plus he could be demanding and hard to work for, so some days she felt like this intern job was a curse. And today was definitely one of those days, the ones where she was regretting taking this job and questioning if it was worth it.

"Do you really think we're gonna find the next big hit, here? Minnesota of all places?" Andi questions, her voice filled with doubt and annoyance. She glances around at all the snow on the ground with a frown as she looks out the window of the limo. "Mom, there's snow on the ground. It's not even winter!" She said with surprise.

Kelly chuckles lightly and sends her a sympathetic look. "That's normal for Minnesota. It's almost always snowy." She shakes her head. "And I got to take you out more, it's like you only ever been to LA." She spoke in a slightly teasing tone as she glanced at Andi.

Andi gave her an annoyed look. "I have only ever been to LA." She grumbled under her breath. It was the truth. She never been out of LA before. Sure, she had always wanted to travel, but with her busy schedule and limited budget, it just never happened.

Kelly chuckles nervously, looking out the window. "Right, well. Now you've been to Minnesota and LA." She shrugged, trying to make light of the situation.

"Oh, joy," Andi says sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She leans back in her seat, crossing her arms. "Because one of the coldest places was definitely on my bucket list." She retorted in a grumpy tone.

"Andi, just give it a chance." Kelly says softly. "Who knows, you might actually like it here."

"Fat chance," Andi muttered, shaking her head. She sighed heavily, resting her chin on her hand as she continues to stare out the window. She feels a mix of frustration and resignation. This trip to Minnesota was supposed to be about finding new talent for Rocque Records, but Andi couldn't shake her skepticism about the location. Kelly glanced over at her daughter, noticing she seemed unimpressed by the scenery passing by, lost in her thoughts.

Kelly sighs, understanding her daughter's frustration but also hoping she'll come to appreciate the opportunity. "Andi, I know this isn't what you expected, but sometimes the most unexpected places hold the greatest surprises. Just keep an open mind, okay?" She said softly, giving her a gentle nudge.

Andi let out a deep breath, knowing Kelly was right. "Yeah, okay." She gave in, offering a small smile.

Kelly smiles back, wrapping her arm around Andi's shoulder, pulling her into her side. "That's my girl." She whispered, kissing the top of her head. Andi smiled a little and leaned into her mother's embrace. She may not be happy with the circumstances, but at least she was here with hr mom. That made it a little bit better.

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