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Mythras POV

October 26th, 2015
6:11 PM

I sat on the hard wooden bench, watching the steady stream of people coming and going from the police station. The officers' eyes bore into me with a mixture of disgust and annoyance, as if my very presence was a burden to them. I was all too familiar with that look; it was the same one my parents used to give me.

After what felt like an eternity, my mom walked through the doors, sighing with annoyance as she glared at me from the distance. She filled out all the necessary paperwork and pulled me out into the dull evening towards the car.

The ride back was filled with an oppressive silence, with neither my mom nor my dad uttering a single word. My mom focused on driving, while my dad gazed out the window in silence. The tension in the car was suffocating, and it continued until my mom unexpectedly made a right turn instead of the left.

"Mom, where are you going? The school is that way." I broke the silent air, my confusion evident in my furrowed brows.

"You are not going back to that school. We are going home and you are going to do your house chores and work somewhere." She replied sternly, I couldn't believe my ears. "I don't even know why you're my child if you can't even stay out of trouble." She mumbled to herself.


6:39 PM

I ran upstairs to my room to get everything I needed. My hands darted from one item to the next, snatching up cash from my hidden stash, my phone, and my bag in just a minute. I couldn't bear the thought of remaining confined in the place I dreaded most - my own home.

I walked downstairs as the stairs creaked under my shoes. Peering cautiously around the corner, I snatched the keys from the kitchen table and hurried to the main door, swiftly inserting them into the keyhole. I was ready to swing the door open and leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" My dad yelled, I could feel his threatening aura standing behind me. I flinched, my heart pounding as I turned around to face my father.

"I'm leaving," I said, my voice trembling with anger. "And I don't need your damn permission to do it." The tension in the room was so thick, I felt like I could cut through it with a knife if I wanted to. It was the first time I had ever spoken against to my father, the first time I had let my emotions pour out in front of him.

If it meant leaving this hell on earth, then I was gladly willing to endure anything. I inhaled sharply, turning around and ready to twist the doorknob.

"You're not going anywhere." My mom interrupted. It all happened so fast.

The doorknob wasn't the only thing that was twisted. A blood-curdling scream ripped through my throat as searing pain shot up my arm. I whirled around to find my so-called 'dad' gripping my wrist with a cruel, twisted expression on his face. My mother stood beside him, a simple spectator to the violence unfolding before her.

"NO!" I screamed, trying to pull my hand away from his grasp, each movement causing even more pain.

Mom had never been the one to lay a hand on me, but her silence was just as damning. She allowed my father to unleash his rage on me, turning a blind eye to the abuse that'd become a regular part of my life. I struggled myself free from his grasp and lashed out, sending him stumbling backwards, almost falling over.

"I can't believe I endured all of this for the sake of that woman, who I'm ashamed to call my mother," I seethed, my face contorted with rage. I scrambled to my feet, panting, lunging for the door.

A sudden hit on my head sent my vision blurring. I gasped for air. Shards of glass rained down as I crumpled to the floor. As darkness closed in, the last thing I saw was my father hoisting me up and carrying me to my room, his expression had not a single bit of remorse.


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