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I am a certified overthinker . I overthink the most meaningless interactions and the smallest gestures until it feels like my heads gonna explode . And my first uh present ... from a boy ... whose not my cousin has definitely made me overthink almost all aspects of my life ... for no particular reason

From a night absent of sleeping and abundant with overthinking I have come to 2 conclusions . I am not stupidly in love with khalil because my life is not a teenage romcom but I am quite ...whats the best word to use fond? . I am quite fond of Khalil .And uh I hope he's the same with me . He better be. Leading me on with those prettyboy smiles and this particular gift. I swear if he's messing around with me I'll umm I'm terrible coming up with revenge plans I'll leave that to Cocoa.

But anyway I genuinely think this necklace comes with unwanted endorphins coz I've got a goofy smile on my face whilst in wearing it and catch myself gazing at in the mirror while I'm doing wudu or wrapping my hijab.


Safiya: is it weird that I've started to specifically hope about Khalil not to turn out to be a douchebag
well not that word specifically
But yk what I mean

Z : No
Coz who wants their first luv to eff u over

Safiya: woahhh
First luv ?!
Hell nah
How many luvs u think  Im gonna have   

Tia: What u think k's gonna be ur 1st and only luv 😏


Cocoa: Safiya is far too young to be thinking about that
But hey atleast she's through nick jonas getting married to Priyanka Chopra

Safiya: Heyy
Priyanka Chopra is one of the few south asian Hollywood idols .It was rlly emotional for me

Tia : Anyway ... so a certain someone asked for ur number
Idk if it was ok to give him ur number so I grilled him for a reason and he said his intentions were pure so I gave him a chance. But if tries anything lmk coz my brothers might as well get in fights with a worthy cause

Z: hol up
    Girl ur texting him

Safiya: Briefly . Very briefly . Bot like how we text
And idm that u gave him my my number T . But how tf do I text a boy

Cocoa: like any other human duh

Z: what she said 👏

Safiya: anywayy I have to tell u or acc I have to show u guys something

Cocoa: khalil related ?

Safiya: yup

Z: wanna go breakfast club tomorrow more time to talk ?

Tia:I'm down



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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