No shit Sherlock

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Ever since the whole saving a life incident I've been pondering about it in between classes. Connecting the dots in the back of my mind. Obviously I've had questions.  Especially after seeing Khalil again.

Call me tv show obsessed but approaching something with a Sherlock Holmes mentality can really help not cloud your judgement. And also make you feel very smart - a small ego boost never hurt anybody. 

Firstly nor Adam or Khalil gave anything away on what happened or why it did . But Adam was stabbed thats for sure

With a knife . That leads me to another point of discussion.  We live in West London after all . The wild west as some call it.  Crime rates are high . The waiting list for council homes is higher . And most crime is tied to drugs and gangs .

Khalil was adamant that we shouldn't call the police. And thanked me for not asking questions. So there was definitely some sort of sketchy business going on .

And next thing the boys attire . In the park all hoodies and trackies . Not that I'm giving into stereotypes . But it would make sense that there was some sort of gang affiliation going on right ?

So, the conclusion? I may have just helped out potential gang members and in turn be in the hit list of their enemies if anyone saw us .

Great .
well that case is solved .
Back to solving simultaneous equations. 

To think like something like a stabbing happens almost everyday and night in my town  .

If its big enough to catch the notice of journalists.  Its broadcasted on TV They talk solely about gangs and crimes.  They never talk about how scho kids have to take the long way home because there's been a stabbing where they live . Its ex gang members coming to give talks trying to redirect the youth.

Its sons juggling crack for the stuff they don't have . Its boys like Tia's brothers trying to fulfill the breadwinner role in their families. 

Its families having to live with infestations in bad housing . Its how applications for free school meals and breakfast club is high because the families income is low.

Its not judging the homeless because a few missed pay checks and your in the same position.

The statistics for junkies and alcoholics ,Single mothers , excluded kids are what makes our city.

Its my own parents pulling double shifts and having 2 jobs to cover bills. Its my sister moving as far away as possible as soon as she got the chance .

Its my friends and I joking about what we're going to do when we leave this shithole .

Thanks for reading :) I want this book to be more than a romance . This chapter is mainly exploring social problems Safiya deals with .

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