My Bloody Valentine.

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Dean woke up to birds chirping, which wasn't unusual now. The first time, it was pretty weird because that meant all animals also went to Heaven. The same Heaven that humans go to was confusing at first because, like most humans, he thought animals went to a different Heaven. That wasn't the case, apparently, but they live in their own area, yet he wakes up every morning to the light sound of fake birds trilling. Dean didn't really care. It was just nice in his opinion. He, like the other residents of Heaven, has his own space even though it no longer looked like a futuristic, overly sterile college dormitory hallway.

The first time Dean found out Heaven looked like that, it creeped him out, but Jack had since ripped down those walls separating the deceased from each other. Everyone is free to come and go as they please, now that they're no longer confined to one area of Heaven. Dean feels more comfortable knowing people aren't made to stay in their own space. Of course, most residents do stay in their own place anyway unless they venture out to visit family. The ex-hunter does. He likes visiting his family and friends. Dean did it a lot in his free time, which is all the time.

He got out of bed and walked out of his room down the short hallway. Dean's house was small and not very fancy. That's how the man liked it anyway. It had a nice living room with a large television and a couch that could seat three people. There were also a few bookshelves placed on either side of the large flatscreen. He had a good-sized kitchen like he did at the bunker back on Earth but less “lunch room kitchen” and more like the kitchen in Bobby's house on Earth. However, it was very clean and organized, unlike Bobby's. The best part was that his stainless steel refrigerator was always stocked with his favorite beer. It was the life pretty much.

Dean's bedroom has a big comfortable bed with fluffy pillows. The sheets were black, and his pillow covers were an olive green. Waking up in such a comfortable bed was a blessing and a half. The bedroom also had a personal bathroom, which is also awesome since Dean can just stumble a few feet and take a leak, then plop back in bed. Heaven was comfortable, and he got to see so many of his family, along with deceased friends. He worries about the ones who are still alive, though. The Winchester always worried, but he tried to live his afterlife the best he could. It's pretty boring, though. It's not like Dean thought it wouldn't be since there's kind of nothing to do when you're dead.

He does miss holidays. In Heaven, time passes a lot differently than it does on Earth, which makes it hard to celebrate when you don't know what day it actually is half of the time. Most of the residents don't even keep up with the days. Sam, Ash, and Kevin do apparently, from what they told Dean. The older Winchester didn't. He would just go on with his day just like today. Dean entered his kitchen to make himself breakfast and plan his day like he usually does. Ever since being in Heaven, the ex-hunter has made a point to visit all his deceased family and friends. The close ones anyway. He's sure they're tired of him, but he just needs to.

Although there's one person that he wishes would visit him. Dean hasn't seen him since he was taken by the Empty, but apparently, he's okay. That's fine, though. He doesn't have to come see him. Castiel probably has a lot of things to keep up with now that he helps Jack out with keeping Heaven, Earth, Purgatory, and Hell balanced. They're both probably busy. The last time Dean saw Castiel, things didn't go too well. Billie was after them, the Empty opening up behind the older Winchester as they stood in the bunker's dungeon, and Castiel was letting all his feelings out. Feelings that Angels shouldn't be feeling. Feelings that a multidimensional wavelength of Celestial intent that's the size of the Chrysler building shouldn't be feeling for a Human grunt like Dean.

He was just a peon, canon fodder, and nothing more. He wasn't smart. He killed monsters for a living, and on top of that, he is a Man. A cisgendered male who identifies as a Man. Castiel was also a Man or at last, he was on Earth. Technically, without a vessel, he would be nonbinary, effectively genderless. Though Castiel seems to be indifferent to what you refer to him as. Most Angels take a body of the gender they would like to be referred to as but the blue-eyed angel had used both a male and female in the Novak family line as a vessel. Male or not, Dean doesn't think Chuck would approve of one of his Angels falling for a Human such as Dean.

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