Darling, You are the Only Exception.

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CW/TW: Fluff/Angst/Mutual Pining/Getting Together/Happy Ending/Supernatural spoilers/Post-Canon/Canonverse/Inspired by a Paramore song/Song Fic.

Dean was in his car driving down a dark empty road in heaven. He'd been at the Roadhouse talking to Ash, Ellen, Jo, Pamela while drinking a beer when he decided to go for a little drive. Earlier that day he visited Bobby after checking on his mom and dad along with Adam.He didn't forget to pop in on Charlie and her girlfriend. Of course he made sure Kevin and his mom were okay too. He did his rounds of checking on all their friends almost every other day. Sam was out with his wife on a little date so the older Winchester decided to visit them later.

The great thing about being in Heaven is you never have to worry about being drunk even after you down a whole case of beer by yourself. Dean does sometimes miss the buzz he used to get, but oh well. There's no reason to make the pain go away when you're in heaven. You also never have to worry about monsters getting to you when you least expect it and your beloved car never runs out of gas after you've been driving it for miles down a two lane highway.

He hopes the real Impala is being taken care of like she should be. Dean the second should make sure she's in top shape all the time. As the hunter drove down the open road Baby's radio played an old rock song that floated through the car at its low volume. It was one of Dean's favorite cassette tapes of all time. Thirteen of the best Led Zeppelin tracks. He even made a copy of it for Castiel and sometimes he wondered if the Angel still had it.

The ex-hunter doesn't get to see Castiel much and frankly he misses the guy, but he's probably busy so the ex-hunter understands. D'yer M'ker was almost over as Dean turned to his left at the stop sign and headed down a new portion of the dusty highway. He nearly swerved off the road when he heard an iconic whooshing sound and a familiar person appear out of thin air in the seat next to him. It's a good thing he can't crash and burn in Heaven.

"Hello Dean." Castiel said after making the older Winchester nearly and metaphorically jump out of his skin

"Sonofabitch Cas, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Dean said gruffly, taking one hand of the wheel to press it to his chest

"You can't have those anymore." Castiel frowned confused with a slight cock of his head

Dean sighed, calming himself down.
"I- it's an expression." He told him

As long as Castiel has been around humans and on earth he's still the same old angel sometimes. Don't ever change the green eyed human thought with a small smile. He's said that before because he liked the way Castiel was. He was just Castiel the angel of the lord. So many people made or wanted Dean to be what he isn't and he never wanted the angel to feel the same. It was a horrible way to live because people expect things that you can't live up to. It's hell and Dean would know.

That's all his father ever did to him. It's just a burden you shouldn't have to bear in the end yet people force you. The older Winchester tried not to make Castiel be something he wasn't, however he knows that from the first time they touched he corrupted the heavenly host. Dean changed him. Some would say for the better others would say for the worst. Castiel though? He would say this was what he was meant to be. After all Everything he did was for love. Love for Dean and love for all of God's creations, especially humans.

"Right, apologies for startling you." Castiel said remorsefully as he adjusted himself against the brown leather seat

"It's fine man." Dean patted the angel on his trench coat covered shoulder

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