Chapter 4

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Miku pointed her arms towards the mountains, and from her pale little palms, strings of water came out, piercing the 2 mountains.Another set of strings came out of her bare feet while Tobio was holding her shoes, wrapping around both of the boy's.

-G-guys this isn't as easy as I t-thought. said Miku while forcing herself to keep the strings in place.

The boys start climbing the strings.

-Hang on Miku, just let me know when you reach your limit, I'll blast a hole through the mountain so we can rest. said Tobio

-No need to do that, we're almost there, so I'm not going to give up even tho this is really challenging.

- If you need more energy, we'll give you some of our mana, right Katsuro? Said Tobio while smirking

Katsuro was just sitting and spinning on the string, looking nauseous.

-I'll do this without any help Tobio! exclaimed Miku

The goat made it up to the walkable area, staring down at the 3 friends.

-That goat surely loves staring down at us doesn't it? asked Katsuro

The goat then started pushing some small rocks at them before disappearing into the distance.

-Why did you do that Mr.Goat? asked an angry Miku

-It seems like it doesn't really like Katsuro. said Tobio.

The friends finally arrive onto the walkable section

-F-finally! exclaimed Miku while heavily breathing

In front of them laid a forest so long that you could barely see it's edge.It was filled with green, tall trees, with their needles looking purplish, covering the inside of the forest in a dark shadow blanket.

-Whoah, this place is amazing! exclaimed Katsuro while his eyes were glowing.Miku, why do the trees look slightly purple?

-I don't really know, but they look amazing! exclaimed Miku

The 3 friends start walking into the forest.

-Guys, look up there! said Tobio

Tobio was pointing his finger towards the top of the mountain, where a huge castle laid.

-Is that a castle? asked Katsuro

-That's such a Gorgeous castle! said Miku while her eyes were glowing

While they were admiring the beauty of the castle, they noticed a figure that was flying towards it.They immediately assumed that it was the goat.

-Look, the goat is flying towards the castle! shouted Katsuro

-There you have it, the final destination of Mr.Goat! said Miku

-Let's hurry up and get there before we lose it. said Katsuro

-We don't necessarily need to head towards the castle at the moment dwimmit.We know where it's headed, so we can temporarily lose it.Besides that, this is uncharted territory too.

The 3 friends keep exploring the forest.While they were walking, Tobio stopped for a second.

-What's wrong high horse? said Katsuro while Tobio was staring at the path in front of them.

-Is there any different path that we could follow? asked Tobio

-Why are you asking that Tobio? Are you sensing danger? asked Miku

-Yeah, something like that. replied Tobio

-Alright, then let's switch paths! said Katsuro

They switched paths and kept walking, but they eventually came across a red lake in the middle of the forest.

-Is that.. blood? asked a scared Miku

Katsuro tried to touch it, but Tobio stopped him.

-Don't touch it idiot! shouted Tobio

-Why not? asked Katsuro

While Tobio and Katsuro were arguing, a giant crimson red toad rose from the lake behind them, slowly emerging from the middle of the lake.The toad led out a giant single ribbit that stopped both of them from arguing.The 3 friends stare at it,only to see the toad opening it's mouth, letting out it's humongous tongue.The friends start running, and eventually, they stopped to catch their breath.

-W-what even was that? said Katsuro while heavily breathing

-Why is it so large, what has it been feeding on? said Miku while some strange ravens started appearing behind them

-Most likely, that red liquid in the lake would explain it's abundance of food, but it wouldn't explain it's size tho. said Tobio while the ravens were getting louder

-Guys, have you noticed that a bunch of crows have started to appear? asked Katsuro

-Those are not crows, they're ravens. claimed Tobio

-Whatever it is, something's going on here, but what is it? What is wrong with this forest? asked Katsuro

More ravens started appearing while constantly getting louder.

-I think we should get out of here. said Miku

-Yes we should, we don't want to alert any other creature that lays in this place, but let's stay close. said Tobio

The 3 friends start running while the ravens that are getting louder start chasing them.They eventually get to a large clearing.

-What should we do? asked Miku while running.

They stopped at the centre of the clearing to look back.When looking back, the friends were shocked to see hundreds of ravens croaking.Suddenly, the ravens stop croaking, and started lining up in a formation in order to make a road.Some wolf like creatures emerge from the road.

-Dammit! I should have figured this out earlier! shouted Tobio

-W-what? What is it Tobio? asked Miku while staying behind Tobio

-Wolves and ravens have special bonds and relationship's between each other.It's most likely that ravens will alert the wolves of any potential prey, and, in return, the wolves let the ravens eat the left overs of the prey, besides giving them protection. explained Tobio

The wolves eventually reveal themselves, but something was wrong .

-Wh-wha-what's wrong with them? Why are their muzzles so long? asked a scared and worried Miku while hugging Tobio out of fear.

More wolves come out and eventually start howling.As the wolves were howling, the ravens start weirdly croaking, almost as if they laughed at the kids.The sky started turning white, and the moon started turning black.

-Wh-what is going on? shouted Katsuro.

Suddenly, from the pale white sky starts falling a skeleton.The skeleton landed next to Miku, grabbing her leg and looking up at her.

-GUYS, IT GRABBED MY LEG! screamed a scared and angry Miku.Don't you dare touch my leg again you filthy creature!

Miku then dismantled the skeleton with her strings.

-L-let's run Tobio! shouted Miku

The boy ignored her while starting down at the wolves.Suddenly, silence establishes upon the place as the wolves stop howling.However, the silence didn't last as the wolves start running towards Tobio who was still staring down at them.More skeletons started to fall from the pale white sky, one of them being dangerously close to Tobio.Fortunately for them, Katsuro threw a water beam at the skeleton, making it seemingly disappear.

-It's not time to stand out and look cool high-horse, we need to g-

To both Miku and Katsuro's surprise, Tobio raises his hand up like he is about to cast a spell, and aim's it at the ravens.

The end!

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