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Black Moor, Home of Lord Arcturus Black III, 3 August, 1989, Late Evening

Arcturus set down the next to last report he'd been sent and rubbed his eyes. Reading through the numerous ways in which his young ward had been cheated, stolen from, or kept completely ignorant was making him angry. Picking up the last report from young Harry's solicitor, he took a deep cleansing breath before beginning to read.

"Jilly!" he called.

A moment later the House Elf popped into the room, eyes large.

"Master calls Jilly? How can Jilly serve?"

"I would like tea and a few light refreshments please. I have a lot of work to do this evening. I noticed young Mr. Potter didn't eat much at dinner; do any of the elves know what might be wrong?"

"Young Master Harry be having bad dreams, Master. He be dreaming about bad things. Jilly not be knowing what bad dreams be about, but young Master Harry be crying when bad dreams come."

"Is he still awake, Jilly?"

"No Master. Young Master Harry falls asleep already. Mipsy be watching over young Master Harry for Master."

"I want the elves to take care of young Mr. Potter the rest of the night. I will need to leave the estate briefly and am entrusting him to the care of the elves until I return. Absolutely no one is to disturb him until I return, am I clear? I am placing that young boy under the protection of the elves; don't disappoint me."

"Jilly understands, Master. Elveses not be letting anything bother or hurt Young Master Harry."

After the tea had been delivered, Arcturus sat for a few minutes contemplating what he needed to accomplish that evening. It had already been arranged with St Mungo's for a private Healer to care for Sirius while he recovered from his stay in Azkaban when, not if, he was found not guilty of the crimes he had been accused of and released, and he had already scheduled an appointment with Gringotts for the day after. Taking a sip of tea, he thought back over what had been done so far, when it occurred to him that the former guardians of young Harry might well be having their own day in court soon. It was likely, given the information he now had, that Albus Dumbledore would do his best to manipulate things so young Harry was returned to the Dursleys, whether or not it was best for the boy. Noticing the time, Arcturus walked to his Floo and left for his appointment.

Office of Amelia Bones, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Ministry of Magic

"I must say Lord Black, that it isn't often I have the Lord of an Ancient and Noble House request an appointment with me. What can I do for you this evening?" Amelia Bones said, leaning forward in her chair.

"Madam Bones, it occurs to me that given the information which came out in Peter Pettigrew's trial that Albus Dumbledore may be the subject of a new investigation for your office."

"I can neither confirm nor deny that such an investigation is being conducted Lord Black, you know that."

"From my observations of the man, Albus Dumbledore is quite good at covering his tracks, helping him to appear to be completely above board at all times. May I assume that the questioning of the man following the trial was unsuccessful?"

"It would be more accurate to describe it as an exercise in frustration. He was able to answer every question without actually saying anything of importance, or even actually answering the question as asked. Unfortunately due to his positions on the Wizengamot, on the ICW, and as Headmaster of Hogwarts, I had to release him as I had no proof. A good defense solicitor would claim that despite it being testimony given under Veritaserum, anything Peter Pettigrew said was hearsay, especially since his sentence has already been carried out."

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