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It had been almost a week since the hearing, and as Arcturus watched Harry running across the lawn playing with a few of the elflings on his estate, he had to smile. He knew Harry was still very withdrawn in certain situations, so he had asked Jilly to find some of the elflings to play with Harry. It benefited Harry, since it allowed him to be a child instead of the unpaid servant his former guardians had tried to make of him, and it also benefited Arcturus, since allowing the elflings to play with Harry meant his house elves weren't divided in their duties between taking care of the estate and taking care of their families when something needed done.

The day before had been particularly hard on young Mr. Potter in Arcturus' opinion. Kyle Stanton had informed him that Mr. Potter would be required to speak to a representative of the DfE to describe what his treatment in the house of his aunt and uncle was like. The local Child Protection Services agency asked for the time, and offered to provide an advocate for Mr. Potter, but Mr. Stanton had volunteered, citing he was Mr. Potter's solicitor. He had of course sent a written invitation to the representative, requesting the interview happen in his home where Mr. Potter felt the most comfortable. The interview had taken three hours, and by the end, Mr. Potter was in tears. So it eased his mind somewhat that young Mr. Potter could still be happy enough to play.

"Jilly?" Arcturus called.

A moment later the house elf popped next to Arcturus, eyes wide.

"Master calls Jilly?"

"Yes, Jilly. First, let young Mr. Potter know it is almost time to leave for his first day at the summer program, and second, as I understand it, tomorrow is the lad's birthday. I'd appreciate it if you and the other elves could organize a small celebration for the occasion. I anticipate there will be several children as well as a few adults there. Mr. Potter will be nine, so please be sure the menu is age appropriate."

"It is being Young Master's birthday tomorrow? Oh, Jilly be making sure Young Master be having the bestest food to celebrate his birthday, Master, Jilly promises! I tells the elvses in the kitchen right away! Does Master think Young Master would like Jilly's special double chocolate chip fudge ice cream? Mipsy be happy to makes the cake, but Jilly be wanting to make the ice cream for Young Master."

"I think your ice cream would be perfect, Jilly, thank you."

Nodding enthusiastically, Jilly popped away, and a moment later he saw her next to Harry for a moment before popping away again.


Kyle sat in the office of the Crown Prosecutor assigned to the case against the Dursleys. He hoped the information he had would help the prosecution.

"You asked for this meeting, Mr. Stanton. So how is it you believe you can help the Crown in this case?"

"Sir, would I be correct in my assumption that Vernon and Petunia Dursley are claiming as part of their defense that their treatment of Harry Potter was due in part to not having enough money to properly care for him?"

"Before I answer that, what is your interest in this case, Mr. Stanton?"

"I was the solicitor of record for Mr. Potter's parents, James and Lily Potter. I now represent their son Harry."

"Well, Mr. Stanton, off the record of course, if something like this had happened to a child that I had a connection with, however slight, I would be trying to find a way to legally bring back having criminals drawn and quartered. However, that is not an option. Again, how do you think you can help?"

"May I assume as part of your investigation that you are also examining the financial records of Vernon and Petunia Dursley?"

"In a Child Welfare case where abuse or neglect is a factor, the financial situation of the caregivers is usually part of the investigation. It's used to determine if there are mitigating circumstances in the case. Why do you ask?"

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