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Kyle Stanton read over the financial records of Vernon and Petunia Dursley for a third time. Even taking into account the occasional raises Vernon Dursley would receive from his employer, it didn't explain the balance currently in the account. He rubbed his eyes, trying to focus. He knew he was missing something, but wasn't sure what it was. He needed more expert help, so gathering all of the paperwork that had been messengered to him back into its envelope, he went out to his assistant's desk.

"Deborah, I need to go to Gringotts about a case. I may be there for a while, so please cancel or reschedule the rest of my appointments for today."

"Of course, Mr. Stanton. Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

"I need you to inform Brian Greengrass of where I'll be, and ask him if he has time to meet with me tomorrow."

"Yes sir. Good luck at Gringotts."

"Thank you, Deborah. Let's hope that helps," he joked, before leaving the office. He wanted someone like Krogund to look at the records. If anyone would be able to find hidden money, it would most likely be one of the goblins of Gringotts or one of their human employees who knew forensic accounting. It wouldn't take long to reach Gringotts, but he had no idea if Krogund was available.

Half an hour later, he was sitting in Krogund's office and doing his best to keep his face impassive. He knew the evidence was there, but didn't know how to find it himself. After a few more minutes, Krogund's eyes narrowed.

"Did you happen to make note of a large amount of money deposited into the account around December of 1979?"

"Yes, it was for approximately five thousand Galleons, or twenty-five thousand pounds. Do you think it was one large payment from Dumbledore to the Dursleys?"

"If it were from Albus Dumbledore, it wouldn't have the designation of 'Garden Financial Group' as the originator of the funds, Mr. Stanton. There also wouldn't be subsequent monthly transfers of funds from the Dursley account to Garden Financial Group beginning in January of 1980, and stopping in October of 1981. This looks more like a loan to me. And from the amounts of the payments, the loan was not fully repaid, and is now in default."

"So it isn't something connected to Dumbledore. Is there anything that can help in the case against them?"

"Possibly, but I want one of our human accountants to look it over. She's had training in addition to what she received at Gringotts in the muggle world. She's a forensic accountant, and a very good one. When she came to us with the description and parameters of this training, Gringotts funded her education in the field. She's been with us for three years since she finished that training, and I have yet to find a set of suspect financial records that she hasn't been able to unravel to find the truth."

"So similar to when a muggle tries to skimp on paying taxes to the Crown, and tries to create a false ledger if asked questions, am I understanding that correctly?"

"Not exactly like that, but the general idea is the same."

"How long do you think it would take for her to find anything?"

"It depends on what she uncovers, Mr. Stanton. It could be anywhere between two weeks and a month before she finishes her examination of the records."

"I understand, Krogund. Are you able to copy these records before giving them to her? I'd like to keep a copy in my records, since they are the financial records of Harry Potter's aunt and uncle."

"Yes, that is possible. And with the connection to Mr. Potter, I can tell this accountant this particular assignment is high priority."

"Please let me know when she finishes her investigation. I might need to have her called as a witness in the Dursleys' trials in the muggle world. Apparently they're attempting to claim a lack of adequate funds to explain the mistreatment and lack of care in regard to Mr. Potter."

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