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Ivy hurriedly made her way back to her mother's house, disregarding Ariana's pleas to wait. Ariana shouted after her, desperately calling out, "Ivy! Ivy, please wait up." However, Ivy paid no attention. Tears streamed down her face, her heart aching from witnessing the painful scene between Andrea and Fugo.

When Ivy arrived home, her mother, who was engrossed in handling some household bills, greeted her. "Hello, sweetie. Is everything alright?" Ivy simply shook her head and angrily retreated to her bedroom. Within a short span, Ariana caught up with her and approached Ivy's mother. "What happened?"

"Something bad happened." replied Ariana. She quickly ascended the stairs to reach Ivy's bedroom and check up on her. "Ivy, please open the door. Let's talk." Ariana incessantly knocked, attempting to persuade Ivy to communicate. Eventually, Ivy relented and opened the door. "I know you're upset about what happened earlier, but Fugo doesn't have feelings for her. In fact, he nearly killed her when she kissed him!"

"That doesn't change the fact that he doesn't like me." Ivy sighed, wiping away her tears. Suddenly, she realized that something was amiss. "My notebook is missing!"

"Holy shit-"
Fugo successfully distanced himself from Andrea as he desired solitude for a brief duration. While testing out the latest prom-designed punch, he happened to notice something peculiar. It was the very same notebook that Ivy incessantly carried along. Intrigued, he arched an eyebrow and instinctively reached out to peruse its contents. Within the pages, he discovered a plethora of entries chronicling past romantic encounters, with individuals such as Patrick and Leon among the mentioned names. To his surprise, Fugo stumbled upon his own name.

》Dear Diary, Valentine's day is coming up and I'm trying to write a love letter for my crush, Fugo. I know it's not even February yet but I just couldn't wait. He might not like me, but at least he'll know that I love him with all of my heart once he reads my love letter!《

Reading Ivy's heartfelt words caused Fugo's heart to melt and his cheeks to flush with a crimson hue. However, there existed yet another entry:

》Dear Diary, Fugo and I studied together in History. And it has been fun. The way he touched my glasses and looked into my eyes... I had butterflies in my stomach! But... there's no way that he likes me, right...? I'm just... an ugly dork girl who needs to get a life.《

Fugo let out a weary sigh before he closed the notebook and made the decision to return it to Ivy. Fortunately, Ariana had already shared the address with him, making it convenient for him to visit her residence.
"Where could my notebook be?!"

"You probably left it at prom..."

In a moment of realization, Ivy brought her hands up to cover her face, hoping fervently that nobody would inspect the contents of her personal journal. "I'm going to kill myself!"

At that very moment, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house, prompting Ivy's mother to rise from her seat and answer it. To her astonishment, Fugo, the gentleman she had a fondness for, stood on the other side, clutching Ivy's notebook. "Is Ivy home? I'm Fugo, I wanted to return this notebook back to her."

"Oh, so you're Fugo! Ivy has talked a lot about you!"

"Oh really?" Fugo's countenance reflected surprise upon hearing this revelation, yet he graciously accepted the compliments nonetheless. "Can I come in? If you don't mind."

"Of course, of course! Come in." Her mother gestured for him to enter as she moved to the side of the doorway in order to allow him in. "Ivy! Someone has come to visit, come down!" she exclaimed from downstairs, hoping Ivy would hear her clearly. And indeed, she did. Ivy groaned wearily as she descended the stairs, but she froze in her tracks once she noticed it was Fugo holding her notebook.

"I believe this belongs to you." Fugo began and handed Ivy her notebook gently, but she quickly snatched it back while her face turned crimson. "Thank you..." she said in a quiet voice, though her mother felt the need to interrupt the moment.

"You two make such a cute couple!"


Fugo chuckled, but he didn't want to disagree with her mom. Ariana observed the entire interaction. It was incredibly endearing, particularly witnessing Ivy becoming flustered in the presence of both her crush and her mother.

"Ivy, can I talk to you in private, maybe?"

Ivy's eyes widened in surprise as she nervously nodded her head, intrigued by what her crush wanted to discuss in private. They both relocated to a secluded area, leaving Ariana and her mother to converse. "I... I read what you wrote inside that notebook."

"I-I know it's embarrassing, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's fine. It's kind of cute." With a gentle touch of his thumb, he smiled as his hand gently caressed Ivy's cheek. Ivy's heart raced rapidly, uncertain of what was occurring in that moment. "I guess you found out that I'm secretly in love with you..."

Fugo nodded and gazed deeply into her eyes, reciprocating her gaze. As it turned out, they had both concealed their affection for one another, which brought Ivy a sense of relief. She had always known unrequited love, but now, someone truly loved her for who she was.

"I like you too... a lot. There's no way I would date Andrea as you thought I might." Ivy chuckled in embarrassment, leaning in to hug him tightly as he did the same. It felt nice to be in his arms, like he was reassuring her safety.
After that moment, the two individuals embarked on a romantic journey, commencing their courtship by affectionately holding hands even within the school premises. This act of endearment stirred up a sense of envy among their peers. "Ugh! You're seriously going to date this ugly dork?!" Andrea voiced her disapproval, singling out Ivy. However, Fugo swiftly intervened, positioning himself in front of Andrea while uttering words that emanated anger, "Run before you get your ass beat, understand?" His steely gaze intensified, instilling fear within Andrea to such an extent that she nearly stumbled while hastily departing from the scene.

It is advisable to cultivate patience, as doing so will enable love to find its way into your life and bestow upon you the presence of someone truly special.

The Notebook of Unwanted Love | Pannacotta Fugo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now