Chapter II

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"Alright... who would like to present on the topic of Benito Mussolini?" The teacher asked, surveying her class while no one raised their hand except for Fugo. They were currently in a history class, and Ivy had buried her face into the desk, hoping that the teacher wouldn't choose her.

"I'm sorry, Fugo. I need to hear from other students." the teacher informed him, and he grunted in frustration. Selecting a presenter was proving difficult for her, but eventually, her gaze landed on Ivy. "Ivy! How about you come up to the board?"

Ivy's head snapped up at the mention of her name, causing her to pout. "Can't someone else do it?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

Ivy let out a heavy sigh, slowly rising from her seat and nervously making her way to the front of the classroom. She could feel sweat forming on her forehead, and her heart skipped a beat when she noticed Fugo watching her. Once she stood in front of the board, she felt as if she might pass out. Public speaking filled her with fear, and she struggled to find the right words.

"You may begin."

"Uh..." Ivy stuttered, her fearful eyes scanning her classmates as she repeatedly clenched and unclenched her fists, highlighting her nervousness. "Benito M-Mussolini was... um..." she started before her thoughts trailed off. She had no idea who this man was or why he was significant.

"Um... he was..."

"An Italian dictator who founded and led the National Fascist Party. He served as the Prime Minister of Italy from March on Rome in 1922 until his deposition in 1943."

Ivy's eyes widened in disbelief as Fugo finished her sentence, embarrassing her. Their eyes met briefly, but she quickly looked away. "That is correct, Fugo!" the teacher praised him before shifting her attention back to Ivy.

"You should pay closer attention in class."

"This explains your score on the last test." The teacher raised Ivy's test and handed it to her with a serious expression. "An F?!" Ivy exclaimed, her face turning red as her classmates giggled at her reaction. However, Fugo merely sported a small smile. He found her rather endearing.

"You should strive to be more like Fugo. He's like a human Google! Ask him about the Holocaust, and he'll provide you with all the information you need."

Fugo was offended by the teacher's comment, but he concealed his emotions and acted as though he was unaffected. "How about the two of you study together? We have a history exam next week, after all!"

"WHAT?!" Ivy and Fugo exclaimed simultaneously. Ariana covered her mouth to stifle a laugh that might draw attention from their classmates. The other girls in the class wore looks of envy on their faces as well.

"I-I can study alone. He doesn't have to help me-"

"I would love to help her."

Ivy froze, her cheeks turning crimson at Fugo's response. There was no way he would actually offer to help her with history. She considered herself to be an unattractive, nerdy girl. Why would he want to spend time with her outside of school?

"Then it's settled!" The teacher beamed, clasping her hands in front of her chest happily. Ivy simply shrank away from her classmates in shyness.
Ivy took deep breaths as she walked down the street after school. She was on her way to Fugo's place as they had decided to study together. She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest, overwhelmed by nervousness about her crush tutoring her in History.

As she reached the front door of his house, Ivy took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell, her nerves getting the best of her.

"I'm coming!" Ivy could hear Fugo's voice from inside the house, which only heightened her nervousness. The door opened, revealing his handsome face as he gazed deeply into her eyes. "You're here."


Ivy nervously fidgeted with her fingers, delicately adjusting her glasses to prevent them from falling off her nose. He simply smiled and gestured for her to enter, closing the door behind them.

Ivy surveyed the house surroundings before being interrupted by Fugo, who gently placed his hand on her shoulder. "My room is located upstairs." he informed her in a polite manner, beckoning for her to follow him. Blushing, Ivy complied, allowing him to lead her to his bedroom. The room was adorned with green walls featuring strawberry motifs and a brown tiled floor. Its refined and comfortable ambiance suited her well.

"You have a nice room." Ivy complimented.

Fugo glanced at Ivy, appreciating her kind words. "Thank you." he responded. His attention was drawn to the same notebook Ivy had been carrying earlier when they accidentally met in the hallways. This sparked his curiosity. What could possibly be concealed within that notebook she always carries with her?
"When did World War II begin?"

"Uh..." Ivy scratched her head as they started studying together. She couldn't remember the exact year it commenced, but it was somewhere around the 1930s to 1940s. "1934..?"

"1939. and it ended in 1945." Fugo sighed, turning over a page in the History book so they could proceed to another term. "Who initiated the war?" He asked, patiently waiting for her response as she struggled a bit. "Germany?"

"Yes, and which territories did that country annex at that time?"

"Erm..." Ivy struggled again before giving up. She buried her face in her hands, showing her exhaustion. "Gosh, why is this so difficult?!" she complained.

"Explains why you receive low scores in History-"


Ivy was cut off when suddenly Fugo gently adjusted her glasses after noticing that they were close to falling off the bridge of her nose. This caused her cheeks to quickly redden as she looked away from Fugo. "They almost fell off your face." he responded in a gentle tone as she looked up at him shyly.

"L-Let's just continue...."

Fugo nodded silently as the two continued studying History together. In that moment, Ivy started to hope that there was something special between them.

(Maybe he does love me...)

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