The Dreamer🌌A Cosmic Elegy IV🌌

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Drifting in the endless ocean of dreams
Swimming against the tide
In that depth where the souls hide
He looks at them wide-eyed
His wonder is that of a child
Declaring that your ego has died

The God of the Seas sails
While the wind blows
Where every wave flows
Where the souls travel he goes
Is he the savior or the saved
Is he the dreamer or the dream
Is he the artist or the art
Is he the poet or the poem
An endless ocean of fantasies
The boundless spirit of the seven seas
Summoning through his majestic waves
To the freedom every being craves
Transcending death and also life
Transcending joy and also strife
In a cell he found himself confined
The captive then freed his heart and mind
Perpetual illusions penetrated every door
Vivid visions conquered the universal core
Beneath the surface, away from the shore
There in the deep ocean for you to explore

Drifting in the endless ocean of dreams
Swimming against the tide
In that depth where the souls hide
He looks at them wide-eyed
His wonder is that of a child
Declaring that your ego has died

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