✨Wish Upon the Brightest Star✨🎄A Christmas Elegy🎄

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It's the magic season so it's time to be jolly
There's no shame in merriment and folly
Time for hot chocolate near the fireplace
Time for us to gaze into the wide space
To make a wish for some old man up there
And hear the bells jingle in case you care
Joy to the world and deck those halls
Adorn that tree and embellish those walls
Carols now echo through shopping malls
Kindling delight in the joyless souls
Mariah's belting notes now fill the silence
What's a good present, give me guidance

I look at celebrations with people smiling
I hear the giggles and the glasses clinking
Joy fills the air while the bells are jingling
Snowflakes fall while kids are chuckling
I look at the mother with the glass of wine
Clad with finesse, she looks just fine
Still no one knows what's on her mind
Cheer in her doleful eyes you shan't find
She forsook her dream to become a bride
For to be a good doctor she once longed
But not when to her man she belonged

I look to the husband in the suit and tie
The tie around his stiff neck strains
All that fancy outfit constrains
His spirits for he is in great pains
Like the gallows rope so taut and tense
To marry his true love was his dream
His heart would glimmer and gleam
When thinking of a girl he loved as a teen
But that love he himself forsook
When vows to his current wife he took
The hand of the daughter of his boss
Obtained by him but with a great loss

I look to the girl, in a gown of red
Huge ribbon up between her hair locks
She's fully adorned in a frivolous frock
To the window, her sad eyes glancing
In which starry skies were gleely dancing
Mean kids at school are calling her names
For her, a kind friend never truly came
Outside, it's for her all the same
She lives in her head and takes the blame
She wanted friends, they brought her dolls

I glance at that family of three
I glance at that tall glamorous tree
And suddenly feel relieved and free
For being alone on Christmas Day
It's actually a price I'm ready to pay
Miserable lives, but feigning joy
Replacing bliss with a trinket and a toy
A tiny kitten outside I found
Wailing with a desperate sound
Squealing, mourning the mother she lost
Out in the cold, freezing in the frost
Emaciated, shivering, the alley she crossed

The kitten I fed then gently picked up
And put her in a colorful box
With some holes poked to get in air
I held the colorful box with care
Wrapped a ribbon with a Christmas card
A kitten who had a life so hard
A gift so delightful she shall be
For another lonely soul in need of a friend
To their suffering, now, this is the end

I held the box and knocked on the door
By the door, the box I placed below
I hid behind the trees and snow
Since I didn't want myself to show
The girl opened the door and said "hello"
A new, eccentric box, the little girl saw
In the sky, one hundred stars glow
But one wish was granted, we all know
To the gift she walked, with steps so slow

She opened the box, saw what's inside
Where a tiny surprise for her hides
Merrily, the tiny kitten she hugged
A friend she wanted, a friend she got
She thought it's from Father Christmas
But it was only from me
Contentedly I strode away
At least two were happy on Christmas Day
Two joyous souls in affection embrace
Two lonely beings truly found a place

So you wish upon the brightest star
But you know, wishing won't get you far
All I want for Christmas is actually the fall
Of capitalism and patriarchy, hear my call
All I want is that no one exploits
All I want is that no one bullies
And that people follow their hearts
Instead of traditions and rules
And that we learn from life, not schools
Father Christmas won't grant these wishes
But I know for sure that we will!

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