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Hi, I'm Abigail but you can call me Abby. My cheer team invited me to a party. I'm not normally a party girl so it's my first party that I'm going to. My mom wouldn't let me go obviously, so I lied and told her that I was going to Emma's house. Emma and Chloe are my two best friends. I changed my clothes when I got to the party. Emma and Chloe are my two best friends and they are going to be there. My mom thinks that I'm just hanging out with them but little does she know I'm going to be at a party! I put on some makeup I normally just use concealer and powder but this time I did a full face of makeup but it was light makeup. My mom was suspicious of why I was wearing 'so much makeup' so I just told her that me Emma and Chloe are just going to be post instagram pictures.

"Heyy girls!" Even though I see them everyday at school I was still really happy to see them! We are normally busy with cheer so I was really excited to finally just hangout with them.

"Hii!" Chloe has a really sweet voice I know the difference between their voices. I know it sounds creepy but they know my voice too. "Hey girly pop!" Sometimes Emma can be cringy.

I was now at the party and everyone was here. It was kind of really loud in the house so I went outside. I told the girls that I'd be back in a few minutes because it was so loud in there so I just needed about five minutes.

I seen something down the street. So I walked down the street to go and see what it was. I was a little scared. It was about eleven p.m. I walked down the street, I didn't see anything I then turned around to go back to the house. But then I seen a creepy man holding a gun right in my face.

"You are going to get in the van or you're going to be shot in the head. It's your choice sweetheart." I was so scared. "O-okay." I got into the van. I didn't want to get shot in the head. So of course I listened. They took my phone and smashed it on the ground. They then tied my hands and ankle's together and put duct-tap over my mouth so i couldn't scream or do anything. i was so scared, i've never been kidnapped before.

"Heyy sweetheart. You're looking pretty hot tonight." i hated hearing him say that. Like that's just weird and i didn't want to be kidnapped. There was tears rolling down my face. i tried screaming as loud as i could with duct-tap over my mouth.

"Shh. Sh, sh, sh. It's okay, it's okay." One of the men tried to get me to be quiet, but i wouldn't stop crying and screaming through the duct-tap so he slapped me hard "Be quiet," he then grabbed the gun from one of the guys. "Or you will regret it." My eyes got big and it scared me even more, but i listened to him. "Good girl." My cries were now quiet and my tears were just rolling down my cheeks. "If you listen to us then you don't get hurt. But if you don't listen then you will get punishments. And i don't want to hurt you. Your a pretty girl, so sweetheart please listen to us!" He was holding my head in his lap and he was running his fingers through my hair. I was so uncomfortable. i tried to sit up but he pulled me back down on him. "You will listen to us and you are not going to sit up." i was scared that he was going to grab his gun again, but he didn't.

We were in the car for a few hours just driving. We finally got to a gas station. I tried to talk through the duct-tap. I had to pee really bad.

"Shut up."

I wouldn't stop so they finally took the duct-tap off.

"What do you want?"

"I-i have to pee." I was so scared to tell them that i had to pee but i do and i don't want to pee my pants and that would be gross.

"Fine." they took the duct-tap off of me. "Go with that guy and make it quick. You say anything to anyone in there and i will kill everyone in that store and no one will be able to find us, and if the police come to get you...i will kill you. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" I was so scared so i didn't try anything, and i tried acting normal as much as i cloud. The duct-tap was so tight on my wrists that it left red marks on me. I then went back to the van "Good girl. Here eat it." They tried to make me eat it but i didn't want to so i pushed it away. "Eat, or there will be consequences." he said it with a smirk on his face and he started moving his hand down my neck and back. I didn't want him doing anything to me and i didn't like where his hand was so i just stopped and i started eating the food. It was night time so i couldn't really see their face's. After driving for another few hours we finally arrived to where we are at. I fell asleep in the van, when we arrived at the place they lifted up my body "Close your eyes. Now!" i was scared and didn't want them to do anything so i listened. Since my ankles were duct-taped together one of the men carried me into the place that we are at.

That sat me down in a chair, "Stay here and DO NOT get up. Do you understand me?" I was scared and they could tell by the sound of my voice. "Y-yes." I kept stuttering when i would talk. Whenever i get really, really scared i start to stutter and i was stuttering whenever i would need to reply to them. "Good girl. Now my guy over here is going to stay in this room with you, soo if you do anything he will be here and he will tell me. If you don't want to be on their bad side then you DEFINITLEY DON'T want to be on my bad side. Do you understand little girl?" i shook my head yes. I was to scared to say anything. That guy must be the leader of the group.

"Your a hot young girl." I still couldn't see anything because they put the blind fold on me. It scared me even more that i couldn't see anything. I wanted to kick, and scream, and cry, but i couldn't do any of that. i couldn't do anything. The problem with being here right now is that I'm wearing a kind of short pink dress. The 'leader of the group' came back into the room with me and whoever that other guy is. I call him 'the leader of the group' because he is and i don't know their names. The leader of the group took off my blind fold. "Close your eyes and keep them closed until i say so." I knew that something bad was probably about to happen to me. i couldn't help it i just started crying. He took the blind fold off but i kept my eyes closed like he said. "Good girl." He said while rubbing his hand on my knee. "Aw don't cry. It's okay babe. Like i said if you listen to us then nothing bad happens. Do you understand?" i shook my head yes but apparently that was not good enough for him. "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!" He grabbed my face hard and it hurt. "Y-yes. I-i'm sorry please don't hurt me." he laughed at me and then said to me, "Oh sweetheart." he moved his hand higher up my thigh "We aren't going to hurt you." he then squeezed my leg hard. "Just listen to us."

"Put the blind fold back on her now." the leader of the group told the other guy. My hands are tied behind the chair. My hands hurt from the duct-tap, and my arms hurt from being so tight behind the chair. But they obviously didn't care.

They then walked out of the room. I couldn't see anything. I could only see darkness. I was wearing a kind of short dress, it's pink. I was wearing black heels. It was also the next day so i knew that Emma and Chloe are probably looking for me right now. I couldn't tell anyone, i couldn't scream, i couldn't cry, i couldn't fight. I couldn't do anything.

I think that they wanted to rape me as much as i didn't want to think about it.

I tried to get out of the duct-tap but i couldn't. I was trying so hard to get away that the chair then fell over. It hurt when i fell over. "shit." I said to myself. One of the guys came into the room.

"What the fck? Trying to get out of here i see. Well your not going to be able to get away bitch." he un duct-taped me from the chair. He un duct-taped my mouth too, but before he did he said "I am going to take the duct-tap off of your mouth. If you scream or fight or do anything...i will hurt you." He took the blind fold off of my face. apparently he didn't see my full face yet either. "Now we both now what each other looks like." i was so happy to see the light again. "You are so hot!" It grossed me out whenever they would call me 'hot' I'm only 16 they are probably around like 25 or older.

When he took off the blind fold i thought that I've seen him from somewhere or something before. But i was probably just thinking that. So i just stopped thinking that because I'm probably going crazy.

KIDNAPPED BY THE MAFIAWhere stories live. Discover now