chapter 4: Truth or dare

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That night, I got dressed and a minute later I was out the door
After my dad dropped me off, I got into the house and was surprised on how massive it was.
It was so crowded, it was basically a concert.
" What kind of sleepover is this"
I said in attempts to climb the stairs.
Ava got to me, pulled me upstairs and we entered her room. It was like two classrooms combined.
As I sat on her bed, Jace opened the door and invited us downstairs for some gaming rounds.
The games were nice and I also met up with some friends from the other day.
Soon after, it was time to play truth or dare. You know what they always say
"That's a bad game"
But I was actually very interested and besides, since it was a no adult party, it seemed cool. I got in position and we were six, Ava, Hazel, Jace, Joe, Alex and I.
We were off at a good start when suddenly I spun the bottle and it aimed at Alex.
Phew!!!, Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse
Alex: truth or dare?
Sophia: truth
Alex: wait!!!, you have no truth left. He said as my jaw dropped in shock
Alex: I dare you to kiss......Jace. I dare you to kiss Jace
Everybody started oooing as we stared at each other.
Suddenly Ava cleared her throat. In a coded manner, she told me to just
"go with the flow".
I felt my heart racing. Was I going to finally kiss my crush, I pinched myself
Sophia: ouch!! It was real
The minute I felt his lips on mine, I was on cloud nine.
The moment was immediately interrupted, too bad it didn't last any longer. Ava stood up and fled the scene and I followed due to my immediate cravings for her thought.
I couldn't find her. I searched some more and I came across a room. I stepped in.
Sophia: this room is pretty.
I said as I walked around.
As I got to the balcony, I closed my eyes and let the wind flow through my hair. I did that so as to forget what just happened
( I wanted my thoughts to be anonymous)
Suddenly I felt a warm person's energy behind me, the person wrapped me in their arms and placed their chin on my shoulder. The person breathed on my neck. The person said
" How do you feel "
I immediately had goosebumps.
The person told me not to open my eyes but just turn around. Then it hit me " this is a guys voice "
The guy told me I'm beautiful, I blushed and said thank you
" Can I "
Sophia: what !!
He kissed me and it felt wonderful. He told me to not say a word but to turn back around and remain the way I was.
I did as commanded and he stepped back words and he immediately said
" Open "
As I did, I turned around but there was no one there.
As I stepped further, I came across a card. As I opened it, the feelings came back again. The cards said
" Meet me in the schools basement"
I creepily smerked as I had some gross thoughts run through my mind.
I immediately felt guilty of using the guy to fill my fantasy satisfaction,
I just left the house.
All night I couldn't stop thinking of who the anonymous guy was. I felt a pinch of romance, everything was just so perfect. These feelings I had were guilty, but I loved it❤️❤️❤️

My HighSchool Crush❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now