Adrian's pov

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I got a call from Mrs Malhotra and she said Tara got admission in Italy.
As much as I wanted to see my princess , as much as I wanted to keep her with me, as much as I wanted to take care of her, I felt that I cannot  protect her. My enemies are everywhere what if something happens to  her . I scolded Mr Malhotra  for letting her apply in Italy. But he told me that she was very happy.  I talked with Daniel and he  told  me that I shouldn't hide everything from Tara anymore what if  our enemies found out. Tara will have to be protected and now I am  capable of protecting her. He  is right, Tara has to know everything one day or the other . But I'm afraid how my princess will react.What if  she never forgives me?  But if she simply goes away what will I do? I have spent 18 years on her memories and photos. I have seen my beautiful princess from a distance.I dont want to indulge her in this dark world of mafia but she is a part of it. She is a mafia princess .
But she is so innocent and I don't want to indulge her in this darkness .

I will tell everything to Tara and I hope she will understand. I called Mr Malhotra and said let Tara come I will pick her up and your duty is over. Now I will protect Tara .

I got all the preparations done for Tara's room and everything that she likes. I tell all the servants that their princess is coming tomorrow  and Everyone has to protect her.

After that I got busy with some of my meetings .Yesterday we stole Leon Angelo's imported gun and it is of good quality . I will destroy Angelos and their entire family. It is because of them that our parents died and I had to keep tara away from me .

Next day

Preparations have been going on in the mansion since morning for Tara's arrival.  For now I will tell her that she is my sister and gradually the mafia and all . I Hope She Will Understand and Forgive Me .
It's 1 pm and  I was going to pick  up Tara When I got a text that Angelos attacked  for guns.  I told the driver to go pick up Tara Because I wanted to finish all this mafia work before her arrival.

And that was the shittest thing I did in my life . I got a text from that f*cker  that he kidnapped Tara . How just
how ?  That means We have a traitor among us i will kill him. The thing I feared the most happened, how could I be so stupid. First of all I have to bring Tara home safely.  I called Daniel and told him everything. I swear, I will kill that f*cker if even a scratch comes on Tara.
I took the guns and headed towards Angelo's mansion . Daniel also came and we went to his basement through secret route. Can only angelos send traitors ? I thought with a smirk on my face . We went inside to see that f*cker is talking with my sister . Without any second thought I fired my gun at the wall. Daniel did  handle Leon and I went to my beautiful sister , my princess . She looks exactly like me, green eyes, brown hair. I have seen her many times from a distance but up close she is absolutely amazing.She was looking very innocent and soft, I failed to protect my princess. I didn't want her to know everything like this .
I went to her and asked her if she  was okay  and She looked at me with confusion and asked who are you. I felt a strong sting in my heart as she said I am not her brother. She told me to stop calling her princess and it felt like someone stabbed me in the chest .
I never imagined that I would meet my princess like this . I somehow got Tara out of the basement and we're in Angelos' garden. She refused to  go home until she got answers to her questions  . I want to tell everything holding her hand in some safe place but look at circumstances now . I sighed and tell her everything. Not everything but almost what she want to know . She tried to hug her but she stopped me and within a second she fainted . I was fast enough to catch her in my arms . That F*cker saw his chance and snatched the gun from Daniel. I was in no mood to fight at this time. The person whom I kept away from myself for 18 years, kept away from these dark things, is lying unconscious in my arms. I did take Tara in my arms and looked at Angelo for the last time  and said he will pay for this. Surely he will . Daniel gave him the  imported guns and we left. 

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