Two days ago

29 1 0

Tara's pov

I jumped with excitement because I finally got selected in an Italian university.

My brother Hrithik said ," what happened ? "

I didn't tell him anything and went straight to my parents.

"Mom Mom ! I finally got selected" , I said while hugging mom

"Oh really let's celebrate then " , my mother said

"I knew you would be selected , my child" , My father said while hugging me

"Where is sherin?" , I asked mom

" Must be partying somewhere" , mom replied

"Where did you get selected? Spain, Italy or America , You have applied to all three universities " Hrithik asked

"My first priority was Italy and I got selected there I am so happy Hrithik ", I almost shouted

"Calm down girl" ,Hrithik said while congratulating me .

I looked at my parents and they both were looking at each other and seemed somewhat concerned.
I approached my mother and said , "mom everything will be okay because I am now a grownup girl and will take care of myself don't worry. "

She didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Okay Mom I am going out and will be back before 6 pm, love you" , I said
She didn't say anything, she seemed to be deep in thought, but dad gave the 'bye' sign.

I am very happy today. I have been selected in my dream university. Now me and my long distance best friend Emma will study together.
I am half Indian and half Italian .My mother is Italian and father is Indian.
I have green eyes inherited from my mother and brown hair from my father. I have two siblings, Hrithik and Sherin Malhotra, both are older than me and are twins. I have not visited Italy yet But never mind now I will do graduation from there . I don't have many friends because I'm an introvert and being a half Indian feels out of place. I did have some friends but all were very mean and selfish but it's okay I consider them as life lessons .
About my love life , well i have a boyfriend he is so sweet and never let me feel down in places I am so lucky to have him . I think i should visit and surprise him and tell him about my selection .
I Booked an Uber and head towards his flat. As soon as I started knocking, I realised that the door was opened so I went inside. Vihaan's room was locked so I knocked and when he opened the door i saw a girl was half naked laying on his bed and he was so shocked by seeing me there
Tears started to form in my eyes and I looked at vihaan and said , "Why did you cheat on me?"

There was not even the slightest trace of guilt in his eyes and he said ," you didn't give me what i wanted so I don't have any other option "

I said angrily, "since when have you been cheating? "

He said , "for one month "

"We have only been dating for 4 months so why did you date me in the first place if you wanted to cheat?" , I Shouted at him

" Com'on You're Hot and Sexy . Every guy wants to date you .I didn't want you to know, but we can still date if you want. ," he said .

I slapped him hard and left his house. He Didn't even follow me ofcourse
he is not even sorry for what he did .

I was the only one crazy enough to fall for his words . I thought he loved me, I trusted him but at the end of the day he cheated.

Heartbroken I called Uber . I opened my phone and saw emma's text

Emma : hy bae hru?
Me : I am okay ( i lied )
Emma : really Call me then ?
Me : I am on the way to home
Emma : then call me after you reach
Me : sure
Emma : Do you get selected and where ? Please say Italy 🤞
Me : yeah I got selected
Emma : In Italy ?
Me : Hm
Emma : ye ! 🥳 Then why are you not happy and what's up with these silly replies ?

I want to tell her everything how much i need her what happened everything but i can't

Me : Nothing just tired and I have to leave for Italy in the morning too.

Emma : okay then rest text me whenever u want 😘 i am always there for u 💟

Me : thanku 🫶

Emma is my bestfriend . We met online . We have same taste in books, music and literature . I met her one year go and she is the best and gorgeous girl I have ever seen .I have met her personally only once when she came to Mumbai with her brother. We went to many places and enjoyed those 4 hours very much . Her brother is also very sweet and handsome even if i only met him once i know he loves emma so much .

I reached home and Sherin had also come and congratulated me . I just smiled and thanked her . Sherin remembered some work and went away.

I had no energy to do anything right now So I went straight to my room and slept .

At evening

After taking a nap ,Now I am feeling ok So I went to my mother and said that I have to leave in the morning and I have also booked the flight. (I do before going to vihaan's house )

She said okay . She looked a little different , I know mom is more fond of Sherin and Hrithik but today it seems completely different.
She is not happy for me , she looks irritated like someone scold her or something or maybe I am just assuming this . I am such a great overthinker afterall
I was already very sad so I didn't say much and went to packing my stuff .
I was both happy and sad at the same time . Happy for my future and sad for heartbreak But I should think about my career and my future .

At 9 pm I finished my packing, I went downstairs and saw mom and Sherin were watching tv while dad was on call .
I approach them and said Emma will pick me from airport tomorrow

My mother said , "no, your cousin will pick you ."

"Oh I remember my cousin in Italy " , I said to my mother

There was complete silence again so i asked , "why everyone is behaving different ? "
My father came and said ," it's nothing, mom is worried for me and sherin is very tired because of her ongoing project. "

"Oh! what is my cousin's name btw ?" , I asked my mother

" Adrian Romano " , my mother said

" Okay give me his number then I will call him tomorrow " , I asked my mom

Dad dail his number in my phone and save it .

"Okay then good night everyone" , I said smiling

No response just my father smiled

I went to my room . I thought Emma would call me but she didn't , Maybe she is busy .
Today was a long day ,morning was good , afternoon was heartbreaking and evening was hurting .
I shoved all the thoughts from my mind and went to sleep.

Hello ! Okay so if there are any grammatical mistakes please let me know :) English is not my first language ! Have a nice day ✨

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