Chapter Three

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I got a bit of feedback, and it means the absolute world to me. So please comment things you liked, some suggestions and what not. Love you


Suddenly a very familiar face shows up behind Niall. It was Louis.

"Hey! You're Harry from the dress shop!" He smiles cheerfully at me.

"Yep, and you're..Louis?" I ask while trying to pretend like I hadn't remembered his name.

"Correct!" He smiles. "So wanna dance?"

Harry POV-

"Uh, er..I-"

I was quickly interrupted by Louis pulling my hand onto the dance floor. He quickly pulls me close so our chests are touching. I try to smell if he has alcohol on his breath, but I can only smell a minty scent. Hmm, that's weird. 

"You're looking good Harry." He smiles.

"Erm, thanks you too." I reply quickly. This is weird. This stuff just didn't happen to me. I just couldn't be dancing with someone I've been obsessing over the two days. He was the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life. And he chose to dance with me. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted.

"Harry? Are you okay?" 

"Erm..yeah." I respond quickly. Unfortunately, Louis doesn't look too convinced. 

"Are you sure?" He smirks. Why is he smirking? He looks almost, mischevious. He quickly puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer. I didn't even know that could be possible. Our foreheads were now touching. What is he doing? I then meet the gaze of two bright blue eyes staring at me. My stomach fluttered and blood rushed to my cheeks. He had a very intense look on his face. He slowly leaned in and I followed his lead. Both our eyes fluttered shut, and I felt a pair of soft lips brush on mine.  But it was suddenly pulled away and I opened my eyes to see a stunned..Eleanor. Shit. 

"Louis, what the fuck!?" She screamed

"Eleanor, it's not-"

"Don't you fucking tell me it's not what it looks like! I just saw you almost snogging with..Harry? The dress guy!?" She screams in his face over the loud music.

"It was my fault. My apologies, Ms. Calder. I'll be on my way now." I say and spin on my heel, until I feel a tight grip on my arm. I spin around to see a worried looking Louis and a pissed Eleanor. Louis tightens his grip and mouths 'Meet me at the park'. I nodded my head in a subtle movement and winked.

Louis POV-

"Louis, what the hell!? We're getting married in six months and you almost kiss someone else. And it's another guy!" Eleanor screams in my face.

"Eleanor, calm down. It wasn't like that, babe." I try to reassure her, though I'm not sure why. I don't love her. I like someone else. And that was Harry. Wow, Harry. His hair, eyes, and just everything. The way he gets so nervous around me. It's cute actually. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a ice cold hand make contact with my cheek. Eleanor just hit  me. Eh, I deserved it. I led her on, I can't imagine how hurt she is. Wow, I'm a fucking jerk. I'm a useless loser. I should have told her earlier I was gay. I can't believe it. 

"El, I'm so sorry. We need to talk, where it's quiet." I say with a shaky voice.

"I don't want to talk to you, you useless jerk. Fuck you." She says while throwing her engagement ring and me and storms away. 


Yeah, I don't love her like that..but I love her as a sister and I just broke her heart. I needed to talk to her.  I quickly ran after her. I followed her into the bathroom where she had locked herself in a stall and I could hear quiet sobs. 

"El, please let me explain." I begged. 

"Leave me alone, Louis." She practically spat. 

"Eleanor, listen. I have to confess something." 

"What?" She asks emerging from the stall. She has mascara running down her face. Gosh, I feel like a jerk. 

"I'm g-gay." I studder.

"Why wouldn't you fucking tell me?! I would've understood. But now you made me fall in love with you." She cried again.

"El, I'm so sorry. I was a jerk and I'm just plain selfish. I love you too, but like a sister. I'm so sorry." I walked over to her and gave her a big hug. To my suprise, I felt her tiny arms wrap around me. We just stood their for two or three minutes while she silently sobbed into my shirt. It was probably all black from her makeup, but I didn't care. Finally, she got out of my grip. 

"I accept you Lou. I hope we can be friends, and seriously put this behind us." She half-smiled.

"Of course, El." I smiled back. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me. 

I feel like ten tons of bricks have been removed off my shoulders. Of couse I felt bad but I was relieved I finally told her. And she took it really, really well. Now, all that was on my mind was Harry. He was waiting for me at the park. I smiled and started running outside to the park.

Harry POV-

I got to the park ten minutes ago and still no Louis. Of course I know it probably took time to explain to Eleanor but I'm just getting anxious. What if he decides he doesn't like me? What if he forgets I'm here? I silently swing on the swing chewing on my nails, nervously. Suddenly a pair of hands grabs my shoulders. I scream a bit too girly. I then hear a chuckle. Louis.

"I'm gonna kill you, Lou!" I shout. "How's it going?"

"Good. She took it well." He replied.

"Took what well?" I ask curiously.

"That I'm er-g-gay." He say while looking at the ground.

"Oh." I respond. 

"You aren't weirded out are you?" He asks, this time looking me right in the eyes.

"Of course not, Lou. You know for the same team." I smile.

"Awesome." He smiles back. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sure."

"Why did you kiss me earlier?" 

"Well..erm because I kinda' like you maybe. But if you don't like me, it's totally fine. I just-"

I quickly slammed my lips to his. Ha, that'll answer his question. We kissed like that for almost two minutes until Louis got out of breath and pulled away.

"Answer your question?" I ask him with a smirk.

"Definitely." He smiles and we both lean back in.

So that's chapter three..please please tell me what you think! Comment, vote, read..yeah love you <3

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