Draconic Priests

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Dragon priests, also known as Draconic priests, are powerful and mysterious figures who appears to be normal priests. These priests are believed to live for centuries and have a vast knowledge of ancient secrets and magic. Their connection to the dragons is said to be deep and personal, with many of them worshiping a specific dragon or a group of dragons. They use large temples and shrines dedicated to the dragons they worship and they offer blessings and praise to these dragons, believing that the dragons are their protectors and guardians. The temples and shrines of the dragon priests are adorned with intricate carvings and decorations representing the dragons and the priests' reverence towards them. The priests often wear ornate robes and carry staffs and scepters that reflect their connection to the dragons.

It is said that the magic of the dragon priests is closely linked to the dragons they worship. They have a special connection to their chosen dragon, and their magic only works on that dragon. If they try to use their magic on another dragon, it could have unintended consequences, potentially even harming the dragon they are attempting to help. The bond between the dragon priest and their dragon is deeply rooted, and their magic reflects this special connection. It is a powerful and mysterious force that is difficult for outsiders to fully understand. 

The Dragon War was a devastating conflict that raged across the land eons ago. During this war, many of the ancient dragon priests perished to extinction, leaving their dragons to fend for themselves. The dragons were left to face the consequences of the war alone, without the guidance and protection of their priests. As a result, many dragons were forced to disperse, seeking refuge in whatever places they could find. Others, however, were able to adapt, learning to survive and thrive despite the loss of their priesthood. The loss of the dragon priests during the dragon war, resulted in many of the temples and shrines dedicated to the dragons falling into ruin. These structures were once places of great significance and power, but with the loss of their priests, they have been largely forgotten and left to decay over the years.

It's true that there were different types of dragon priests, and each type had its own strengths and weaknesses. Helogan, Drakon, Cygnus, Fafnir, and Vyrthir priests were known for their power and influence in ancient times, but it is important to remember that the strength and abilities of dragons are not solely determined by the number of priests they had. The power of a dragon is dependent on various factors, such as their genetics, age, and personal experiences. While the presence of a dragon priest can certainly play a role in a dragon's power, it is not the only factor to consider. The black dragon, who did not have dragon priests, still managed to be one of the most powerful dragons.

 Many dragons who survived the dragon war went on to create their own kingdoms and build new societies. Some dragons even mated with non-magic users in their humanoid forms, eventually having children who inherit their powers. These dragons often keep their children at a distance and do not communicate with them because their main goal is to keep their legacy alive and maintain their bloodline, without necessarily passing on their knowledge or teachings to them.

Many dragons still mate with non-magic users in their humanoid forms, which has resulted in the majority of the world having magic. While it is true that dragons played a significant role in the dissemination of magic in the world, there are also other races and beings who possess magical abilities without any direct link to dragons.

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