
16 0 9

Me: Get out I need to change
Me: get out
Friend: I'm covering my eyes just change
Me: Get. Out
Friend: It's not a big deal


A lot of people are in my room

Me: can I be alone
The people in my room: incoherent yelling about me being disrespectful and how I'm going to die alone


Friend: why do you like that show so much? It's weird/cringe
My thoughts: bc it makes me happy, unlike you


People: why are you always alone?
Me: my thoughts are nice to me sometimes


Therapist: questions
Me: I dunno


Me: talks as loud and clear as I can
Person: what?
Me: repeats


5 days clean :D(I'm still isolating myself🤭)
Ty for coming to my Ted talk


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