
32 2 15


-mentions of sex

In September, some guy in my math class called me a slut,( context at the end) now I sit next to him, I tried forgetting about it, but his friend brought it up, now I'm feeling a mixture of emotions.

I think I'm asexual but I have thoughts about having (yk what) a lot, it's yucky and I hate it, I don't want to bring it up to people but I'm done feeling like this and not saying anything.

I was in math class and some dude I had a crush on(I don't anymore) asked me if I showed naked, I said "I guess??" And he called me a slut, he also said I'd me good on only fans and that I should colab w him, I'm in middle school...

Anyway it's 3 am and I'm severely dehydrated

Drink water and don't do drugs


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