Chapter 1: Jace

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Hi I'm Sophia
And this is the story of how I made a shocking discovery
As a teen, I lived with my aunt and uncle. They weren't well off but they took care of me and made sure I had nothing to worry about.
Soon after I started highschool and on my first, things were great.
As I walked down the hallway, I saw a few kids snickering but I didn't mind cuz it's guess it's normal.
Reaching my locker a girl approached me, she said...
Ava: hi
Sophia: hello
Ava: I haven't seen you around here before wait...... are you the new kid everyone's talking about.
Sophia : you kidding, news spread like wild fire
Ava: ( laughing) so how about we check out your new class
Sophia: sure why not
Immediately after that, we soon discovered we were in the same class
10 minutes later into first period, some kids started coming in and among all, one caught my attention.
I immediately asked Ava what's him name. She rolled her eyes and told me he is her brother
Ava: but he's off limits
Sophia: why
Ava: you'll know
"Hey and who's this young lady" said the teacher Mrs Briggs
Mrs Briggs: why don't you introduce yourself
With all eyes on me I did the needful and through out the whole session, I kept looking at jace. There was something about his green eyes and pink links
No!!!!! Sophia snap out of it, he's off limit remember!!!
Saying that in my mind, I went back to my seat.
During recess,
He came over to our table and Ava immediately looked pissed.
Jace: so Ava, why don't you introduce me to this new friend of yours
Ava still not making any comment gave him a death glare.
Jace: so...... newbie, what's your name?
Sophia: my name is Sophia
Jace: age?
Sophia: 15
Jace: fave book?
Sophia: 16
"Same" said Jace
Wow Jace and I were an instant hit
Ava took her tray and left, and me being a good friend, I followed.
As I took a glance , he winked. Needless to say, I blushed

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