Chapter fourteen

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Elizabeth was munching on the Mac and cheese that was made by Joshua,it was so divine she kept asking for more and besides it's been long she ate home made food.

" Okay.... I never tagged you as a chef" she laughed taking her plate to the kitchen.

"That's a disrespect" he laughed.

" Sorry Mr chef " she covered her mouth.

" Right... Now drop your plates let's go talk" he pulled her to the sitting room where they both sat down with tension in the air.

" Elizabeth......."

" Okay fine! What do you wanna know?" She sighed.

" I want to know everything"

" Okay..... "


" Elizabeth you are supposed to work for God, you are meant to be a servant of God" her uncle said.

" Well sorry to break it to you I am not interested why don't the lord find other people coz I am not ready "

" Elizabeth....." Her uncle sighed.

" I don't want to hear it I am at the peak of my career now and I can't jeopardize my career I would appreciate it if you don't bring this up ever again I mean ever!"

End of flashback.

" Wow!" Joshua said shocked.

" Then recently my pastor called me to tell me the same thing so did my uncle" she rubbed her face harshly.

" I am tired of everyone of them" she sighed tiredly

" Okay.... Now we need to calm down because this God we are talking about here"

" Not you too" she groaned.

" What!" He asked surprised.

" You are trying to tell me about God like I don't know him" she said raspily.

" No I am not, I am not going to judge or try to lecture you no!"

" Fine!"

" Are you by any chance busy tomorrow?"

" No! I am gonna be at home burning my house trying to make a chocolate cake" she shook her head at her pathetic self.

" Alright then......."


" I don't want to go" she whined like a little child going back to bed.

" No! You are going she already bought your vest" Joshua dragged her up.

" Do I have to? I could just tell her I am sick"

" No! That's rude now get up! Up! Up!" He sang and she reluctantly agreed to get home .

" You are going to make me a chocolate cake for going to this event"

" Yhyh now go take your bath while I pick out your dress"

She went into the bathroom turning on the water.

She walked to her room looking at her tee shirt and her jean with a matching sneakers on the bed. She smiled thanking God she had a friend like Joshua.

She immediately got dressed and picked up her essential things stuffing it into her bag.

Joshua's mother had invited her to a charity event where her group would be "The virtuous woman " she even got her a cute vest.

She got to the kitchen smelling eggs she smiled sitting on the counter.

"One egg and bread coming right up" he voiced out

" Awwn.... You look so cute cooking " Elizabeth teased him.

" Yh right" he rolled his eyes serving the food into a plate.

" What would I do without you?" She pouted dramatically.

" Probably starve to death" he and she threw her hands around his neck hugging him.

" Thank you Josh"  she said in his chest.

" Now let's dig in" he shouted.

Immediately she finished eating she took her bag and her essential things stepping out of the house.

She got to the orphanage they were supposed to give out things to, she inhaled the smell of fresh wet grass before going in.

Immediately she got in a little girl ran to her hugging her legs tightly.

" Elizabeth......" She squealed and that warmed her heart.

" Hi sweetheart" she ruffled her hair carrying her into her hands.

" Ohh hello Elizabeth" Joshua's mother Sarah said smiling.

" Hii Sarah " she smiled dropping down the little girl who ran to her group of friends.

" The rest of the women are here" she took Elizabeth to where the women were sitted, she was shocked to see business women who worked for God.

She wouldn't have believed if she was told they served God like this and this made her guilty.

" Hiii virtous women this is our new member Elizabeth Williams" she beamed introducing her to everyone.

" Welcome Elizabeth" everyone welcomed her with a warm smile.

After the introduction they began to share gifts to the orphans which included dolls, toys, money, clothes and shoes and other essential things they needed.

After that they prayed for the orphanage, they sang worships songs and spoke in tongues giving Elizabeth the opportunity to feel the holy spirit more.

"The fragrance of my worship rose up to the father,
Noises, thunders, earthquake were the response to my worship,

The fragrance of my worship rose up to the father,
Noises, thunders, lightning were the response to my worship,

First it was fragrance then it turned to fire,
My worship is my weapon,
This is how I win my battle,

Soon they left the orphanage to their headquarters which was a pmace bought by Sarah to host their meetings and every other occasion.

" Hii everyone has you all know I am Ashley Kingsley. I want to talk about my life before I met Christ. I was lost but he found me, I was sinner before he met me. I was into drugs and I was in jail for ten years for murder when I was in prison I met Jesus through an image who was also there and believed God would save her" she sniffled Elizabeth was almost In tears.

" I started to read my Bible and believe in Christ Jesus, he strengthened me and few years my case that was closed was re opened I was taken out of prison because I was found innocent then I found Sarah who took me to Christ Jesus more. She gave me a good job and made me big in the industry. Praise Jesus"


Before I could write this chapter I had to listen to some gospel music to give me ideas. The verse for you is up there,I am sorry laziness is a bad thing. Please vote and comment.

Quick question: would you wanna preach to your unbeliever friends without them thinking you are a sucker?

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