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[Warning: smoking kush]


Niall woke up the next day before Zayn did. It was Monday morning and Niall knew that today was a free day for him and the boys.

He stayed and cuddles against his boyfriend's bare chest for a few minutes before untangling himself from Zayn and stretched his sore body.

Niall knows that zayn also has a free day so he thought him being the best boyfriend in the world would make Zayn some breakfast.

Niall slipped onto tight white boxers and a simple white t-shirt that stopped mid-thigh. Niall kissed his boyfriend's cheek before walking downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed some pans as well as pancake mix.

He made two plates filled with delicious breakfast goods like pancakes, eggs, sausage and hash browns.

Niall was going to put the dirty spatulas into the dishwasher when he felt to arms wrap around his waist.

Niall gasped in surprise before he leaned into the warm touch and threw his head back to gently lay on Zayn's broad shoulders.

"Morning." Niall said with a small smile.

"Morning gorgeous." Zayn mumbled softly then he spun Niall around so that they were chest to chest.

Zayn pulled Niall into a lazy, yet passionate kiss. Niall was the first to pull back, and he observed Zayn's clothing.

"Why are you all dressed up, thought you ha a free day today?" Niall asked softly who received a small peck to the lips.

"No baby that's tomorrow, I've got to go and do a video talking about my new song, no type." Zayn said sadly, the two plates full of food on the counter going unnoticed by the raven haired boy.

"Oh." Niall said sadly and escaped from Zayn's touch and looked at the floor. His bare feet sliding across the kitchen tile.

Niall loved Zayn to death, but them being both successful celebrities really effected their time being together alone.

Sure last night was amazing, but it will be a while before they can actually get some alone time to do that again. Or to just actually talk or have a lazy Netflix day or to go on lowkey dates.

Zayn softly grabbed Niall's chin and lifted his face up so that they looked at each other in the eye.

"I'm sorry baby. Tomorrow?" Zayn asked and went to place a kiss to Niall's lips but Niall turned his head at the last second so Zayn ended up kissing his cheek.

"I can't tomorrow Zayn, I've got a photo-shoot and a video-shoot for that new perfume were selling, you know, between us." Niall said sadly, his back resting on the marble countertop.

"I'm sorry baby, we'll work this schedule out." Zayn softly said as e placed a small kiss on Niall's forehead. He turned around and just finally noticed the two plates of untouched food.

He turned back to Niall who was looking sadly on his phone, probably texting one of the boys to come on over. He gave him a sheepishly smile before walking out the door and into the garage.

Zayn couldn't help but feel guilty as hell as he sat on his foreign sports car. Zayn decided to call his PR and his management for a favor and a little change in plans.


Niall's heart ached when Zayn left, he should be used to it by now but he still felt a type of sadness because he couldn't spend anytime with his boyfriend.

With a sigh Niall decided to text Louis to come over who would most likely bring the boys with him.

To: Luis

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