Part 3

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Arnav carried Khushi in his arms & took her to his bedroom.

He leaned in put her on the bed comfortably.. pulled a comforter & tucked her in.

He sat beside her caressing her hair and leaned a little to the headrest.. he said to her in a low voice..
' you can enjoy your ' Alone Time' here.. TV has all the Ott apps.. you can go through it.. in case you feel like watching a movie.. you can access spotify here in case you want to listen to music.. on the side table my Kindle here in case you feel like reading book.. few snacks in case you feel like munching something & lastly if you need anything other than that.. I'm in the other room you can just call me! '

He leaned to kiss her forehead & got up to leave.

Khushi hold his hand making him turn & look at her.

With much eyes glittering with something he couldn't decipher & innocent smile lingering on her face
she said 'Stay!'

with those eyes & expressions he would have just given her his life.. if that's what she asked for.. but what she did was a simple word. STAY.

But what came out of his mouth was the afterresult of  the protest against his heart who just wants to gave in & his head who taught as much he want to stay with her.. she needs her alone time too!

' but..  you.. you wanted to spend sometime alone.. I ju-' he said only to get cutt of mid sentence by her

' I changed my mind.. now I want you beside me.. I want your presence near me..' she said with utter genuineness

Arnav gave in.. how could he not?

She scooted on the bed to make space for him.. he leaned his body on the bed.. covering them up with the comforter..

Arnav asked looking at her ' Movie?'

to which she nodded wholeheartedly & scooted closer to him..

he dimmed the light of the room & started going through the OTT platform..

'Veer Zaara ? ' he asked half smiling

'Ofcourse he knew.. how much she loved Veer Zaara & what a hardcore SRK fan with her!'

Khushi nodded being an excited bean.. gave a cheeky kiss on his cheek.

Arnav stretched out his hand.. which made her slide closer to him  leaning her head on his shoulder.. his hand wrapped around her protectively.. as if has his world in his arms & there is nothing more he wished for.

He watched her watching her favourite film.. stealing glances of her face. Her face shined in dim light.. making it impossible to look away from her! 

A few minutes into her favorite movie & for the first time her concentration was not in the movie or Shah Rukh Khan. 

Her mind wandered around the thought.. she was in the arms of the man she loved.. having him so close.. made it almost impossible for her to concentrate on the movie.. all she could think of was the moment of passion they shared an hour or so before.. 

Khushi looked up to Arnav.. only to find him looking at her.. this is not the first time they have  caught stealing glances of each other since the movie started.

But this time they looked into the other's eyes.. without any of them averting the gaze.. their eyes which speak the same language.. they looked at each other with the expression translating into  love , passion & desire. 

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