Chapter 22: Search for the missing Knight

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Talia's P.O.V:

Me and my followers walked for several hours till we finally reached Wayne Manor it was just as grand as I remembered it. Not wanting to alarm anyone we snuch in through the batcave entrance. Not much has changed from that. I couldn't help but wonder if my darling Bruce was still the same man I once knew and if he had changed.

As we walked deeper into the cave, I knew we were being followed, "My, my son, it seems you're getting a bit slopy on your skills," I say in a soft tone.

Damian emerges from the shadows, "Mother, you ok!" He cried as he ran into her arms.

"I thought I would never see you again," He sobbed as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"It's ok, my child. I'm here now," I said softly.

Another voice rang out from the shadows, "Talia?" The voice said in a soft way as Marinette emerged out of the shadows with tears in her eyes.

"Mari, it's been a while. I'm glad to see you and Damian have been reunited, " I say with a smile.

"I was so worried when Tom said he had not heard from you in ages. I was scared you and the league did not make it, " Marinette cried.

"We did. I'm sorry for not telling you both, but we had to keep a low profile just in case.... Aw, look at you two. My father must be smiling down on you both. He was always so proud at the love you both had for each other, " I say with a proud smile.

"Grandfather always was a proud man," Damian said softly.

"I will miss him he was a hood man, and he gave me a home, a family, friends, and a love I will cherish forever," Marinette said as she smiled.

"Thanks Mari it means a lot hearing that," I say with a smile.

"Now whete I'd your Father Damian I haven't seen my beloved in so long," I say as I look around the Batcave.

"Father went missing he hasn't answered any of his com communications," Damian informed his mother.

Entering Marinette's P.O.V,

Marinette's P.O.V:

I was shocked, "shaytan, how does your father just go missing like that?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, malak, but we need to find him," Damian said. Deep down, he was extremely worried about his father.

No P.O.V:

"Then let's all split up, Damian. You and Marinette will come with me and my followers and well search one side of the city. The rest of you will search the other half," Talia said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

With that, everyone one split up to search of Batman hours passed, and no one had found a single hunt of where Batman had gone. Soon, 10 pm at night came around while searching an abandoned mill. Damian discovered one of the riddlers riddles as he read it he informed the other he knew where Batman was.

Using the riddle, he led the others to the location the riddle was leading them to, and inside were signs of a fight. When they checked the security cameras and it showed Batman searching the building, but then Joker and Riddler gassed him, and he fell unconscious. Suddenly, an intercom came over to the speaker.

"Naughty, naughty, you can't cheat by using hints no matter if he's no longer in that building." The voice of the Joker laughed over the intercom.

Hearing that the gang was furious if they didn't find Batman soon. Joker and Riddler would be able to do whatever they please with him. They continued to search and soon found Batman he was unconscious and tied to a metal pole. "Father!" Damian shouted as he ran to Batman and gently shook him.

Batman slowly opened his eyes as his mind returned to reality, "Robin?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"It's me, father," Damian said in a soft and concerned tone.

"What happened to you?" Marinette asked Batman.

"The riddler escaped from Arkham and so I went in search for him following his riddles I soon realized he was leading me away from him and returned to where I picked up the first riddle as I searched the area o was gassed from behind and all I could hear before I blacked out was the sound of two laughters" Batman informed his comrads.

"You weren't wrong, my love. The Riddler seems to have teamed up with Joker to get his revenge on you," a voice said from the shadows as Talia walked up to batman.

"Talia, what are you doing here?" Batman asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Why I came to help you, my beloved, although I first wanted to visit you, but then I was informed you were taken, and so I thought to help out," Talia informed him.

"You do remember though you're the monster to our son, you and I have nothing to do with each other right," Batman reminded her.

"Aww, my beloved, yout not still mad over the whole drink thing, are you?" Talia asked.

"I love Damian he is and will always be my son but if you had not spiked the Drink you offered me you wouldn't be in this situation with me not trusting you what's so ever" Batman reminded her.

Joker, Riddler, and their men rushed into the mill and tried to over power the heroes but what Riddler failed to tell Joker and his men was the boy wonder and his girlfriend had new forms and so Marinette and Damian transformed into Goddess and Denon King and together with the help of everyone took the criminals down.

Once they made sure Joker and athe Riddler were locked up and heavily guarded in Arkham, everyone returned back to the Batcave where Selina ran right into Bruce's arms, crying relived that he was ok and unharmed. The next few days, Marinette and the others handled patrols so Bruce could rest after what he went through.

To be continued......

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