Chapter 6

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     I couldn't let her sleep on the floor. Not especially after hearing her sob, I'm not cruel. This is my first assignment ever, for the last two years I had been trained to be undercover and be able to track and bring people back. Almost like a bounty hunter but more serious. The only thing that wasn't clear to me was why she had to be brought back. The assignment was very straight to the point with no context which was pretty odd. I mean I couldn't screw up my first assignment though and definitely not one that seems so easy. She was already here now all I had to do was get her to Colorado. That was the first thing I learned in training school, avoid any conflict that can be avoided. In this case it was her knowing what I was doing. There should rarely be a case where you have to physically restrain someone and bring them back that way. It seems cruel and unfair, everyone on the base would judge you. Especially if it was just a 20 year old girl. I realize that she is standing there confused and not a word has slipped out so I decide to quickly save myself from looking like a creep.

"I didn't want you on the floor, especially when you're clearly having problems" quickly I glance to the bathroom as a way to tell her I heard her. She doesn't even seem surprised I heard her nor does she seem to care.

"Are you sure you're not trying to kill me in my sleep?" HA! I wasn't expecting that.

"I guess you'll just have to find out, sleep with an eye open" I decide to joke back hoping it goes in the right direction and doesn't scare her instead. Bingo. She starts to laugh. That moment was the first time I had seen her smile since first seeing her outside of photos. I didn't know how to describe it but she was beautiful. That's when I really noticed her. The way she tilted her head back to laugh a bit, the smile lines around her mouth faintly stayed there for a second even when she was done laughing, her beautiful green eyes that reminded me of when I was a child and would go wander around in the woods. Like how I would get lost in the woods, I could just as easily get lost in her eyes. She was done laughing and was now removing the towel from her damp hair, it came out wavy and dark. Stopping just above her waist. I'd never seen someone so beautiful. I couldn't help but wonder what a girl like her could've done to need to be brought back.

"What are you staring at?" and that broke me from the trance. I was standing there stupidly just staring, at this point she probably thinks I might just kill her.

I make a joke of it, "Thinking about the easiest way to kill you" I don't get the same laugh as before and instead she chuckles a bit, "yeah whatever, anyways you can go shower now" she pinches her nose as if I stink and winks. I laugh but worry there may just be truth to that so I go to shower. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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